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Dnipropetrovsk Region |
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Dnipropetrovs’k region is located in the South-East part of Ukraine, in the basin of middle and low flow of Dnipro River. And borders with such regions as Kharkiv, Donets’k, Zaporizhzhya, Poltava, Kirovograd, Mykolaiv and Kherson. Total area is 31,9 thousand sq. km, including forest land which is 190,8 thousand sq. km. The population of the region comprises 3532,8 thousand persons (on 01.01.2003). Dnipropetrovs’k region is divided into 22 administrative localities. The largest cities are Dnipropetrovs’k, Kryvyy Rig, Dniprodzerzhinsk, Nikopol’, Pavlograd.
The surface is basically flat. In the West there is Prydniprovs’ka eminence (height up to 209 м). In the South-East part there are cliffs of Prydniprovs’ka eminence. In the central part there is Prydniprovs’ka lowland. Mainly territory consists of rich black top soils and has well-developed river system.
Climate is moderate continental. Average temperature in January is over -5°С in the South-West and up to -6,5°С in the North-East; corresponding in July – +23,5°С and +22°С. Annual precipitation is from 450 mm in the South and up to 400 mm in the North. Vegetative period is 210 days.
The main water-way is river Dnipro which divides Ukraine into two approximately equal parts. Its right inflows are Bazavluk, Mokra Sura, Ingulets (with inflow Saksagan'); left ones are Оril’, Samara (with inflow Vovcha). Dnipro and low part of Samara are floatable.
On the territory of region there are 144 kinds of animals, which are brought to the Red Book of Ukraine. 38 regional kinds are in European Red List.
Dnipropetrovs’k region is unique in its variety of mineral reserves.It has been discovered 302 deposits and about 950 ore-bearing indications in its depths. In the region it is being explored 39 kinds of mineral raw materials iron, manganese, uranium, titanium-zirconium, tungsten and nickel ores, as well as fire-proof kaolin, flux limestone,granite, building stone, coal.
Dnipropetrovs’k region is one of the biggest industrial regions in Ukraine. It is characterized by a highly developed heavy industry.
34% of iron and steel industry output of Ukraine is produced in Dnipropetrovs’k region. 49,5% of the total volume of gross product of industrial complex belongs to metallurgy. This branch started its development in the second half of XIX century. Nowadays the structure of iron and steel industry includes 57 enterprises. They are: 7 ore-bearing plants, 3 mining enterprises, 3 metallurgical plants, 9 tube producing and 3 chemical-recovery carbonization plants, 2 enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy.
Enterprises of mountain-metallurgical complex of region produce 100% of marketable manganese ore, approximately 80% of iron ore, 75% of pipes, 35% of rolled stock, 37% of cast iron, 32% steel, 28% of coke of the total amount made in Ukraine. The large part of this production is certified and it corresponds to world level of quality.
Machine-building complex (including space engineering) has received development in the 40-th. Machine-building production compounds 5,0% of production of the whole industrial complex. Its structure contains 194 enterprises. The base of branch is heavy agricultural, electromechanical, chemical machine manufacturing and machine-tool constructing.
30% of tractors are produced in this region by Production Association "Pivdenmash".
During 50 years this Production Association has been working at expansion of production range for military and agro-industrial complexes. But in connection with conversion volumes of rocket manufacture have been reduced. Having big manufacture capacities, the plant began to produce modern comfortable trolley buses and street cars. The plant produces equipment for agricultural complex, mini transport for municipal services. The Ukrainian part of international space projects is executed at this plant.
The State Joint-Stock Holding Company "Dniprovs'ky Machine-Building Plant" develops and produces composite radar-tracking complexes, systems, composite electronic equipment, and is one of the leaders in modern radio instrument engineering. Also they produce different home appliances.
Chemical industry. Output of the branch amounts 4,9% of total production volume. Chemical branch consists of 38 enterprises. They produce 12% of synthetic ammonia, 16% of sulfuric acid, 32% of caustic soda, 16% of fertilizers, 9% of synthetic resins and plasmas, 38% of tyres of all quantity which is made in Ukraine.
OJSC "Dniproshyna" is one of the biggest tyre plants in Ukraine. The enterprise produces over 120 kinds of tyres. Approximately 40% of production is sold in Ukraine, and 18% is sold abroad. The enterprise has received a certificate of conformity for many kinds of tyres in international European system "E".
The volume of agriculture gross product ompounds 3,7 milliard hryvnyas. That means the second place among the other regions. The structure of a farm is following plant growing – 67%, animal husbandry – 33%.
Agricultural activity is performed by 1100 agricultural enterprises of different forms of ownership and 3534 farming enterprises.
Plant growing. The land resouses comprise about 3 thousand hectares and are considered to be of very high quality. In grain and sunflower seed manufacture Dnipropetrovs’k region is on the first place in Ukraine.
The grain growing is strategic and main branch of national economy. Climate conditions and ground fertility assist cultivation of all grain crops and allow to receive a high-quality bread grain.
Animal husbandry. Strategic direction of work concerning productivity improvement is genetic improvement of breeding qualities of animals.
In dairy cattle breeding exist 12 breeding factories. In pigstry exist 9 breeding factories. Parameters and quality of the best reproducers of agricultural production of such farms as "Agro-Oven", "Chumaky" and "Samars'kyy", "Horizont" are well known abroad. There are also 2 horse-breeding factories.
The region is one of the main exporters of Ukraine. Just like in the previous year, the region ranks the second according to the total volume of export and import of goods and services.
1.117 enterprises have performed foreign economic transactions in the field of export and 1.842 enterprises and organizations – in the field of import
The enterprises of our region have cooperative trading activity with enterprises of 137 countries.
The greatest volumes of foreign trade contracts were performed with European countries (29.6%), Asia (28.4%), the CIS (25.6%). Russia remains the main foreign partner of Dnipropetrovs’k region in export and import trading.
At the same time foreign trade cooperation with European countries became more active. During 2002 years the export turnover with Georgia, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgizstan and Asia countries (such as Vietnam, Yemen, India, Cyprus, ОАЕ and Nepal) increased. Bilateral trade with Iran, Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore, Republic Korea, Israel, Pakistan is characterized with increasing export and import volumes.
Export and Import Structure of Goods
Export structure of goods remains practically the same. Products of mining-metallurgical complex (83,8%), machine-building (5,42%), chemical industry (4,26%), food manufacturing and food processing industry (3,1%), agriculture complex (0,84%) stand as its basis.
Deliveries of mineral fuel (petroleum and petroleum, natural gas) – 17,31%, production of machine-building – 21,31%, paper industry – 11,52%, production of a chemical industry – 18,4% and other dominate in import structure of goods.
Regional Industrial and Investment Policy.
The investment regional policy is performed according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine from July, 12 2001 № 512 “About measures according to improvement of an investment climate in Ukraine”, programs “Investment image of Ukraine”, approved from August, 17 2002 № 477
Due to a new invesrment standarts № 2899-111 from 20.12.2001 “About changes to some standarts of Ukraine with the aim of avoiding some investments involved from tax payments, obligatory payments” foreign investments were reduced. So export and import operations must be payed by investors only by money but not bill of exchange. That’s why many enterprises did not registered their foreign investments at the statistics department during the first part of this year. So a number of investnents in region increased but they did not registered statistically.
During the first part a number of foreign investments were increased in such districts of the region as: 26,4% – Dnipropetrovs’k, twice in Kryvorozhskyy, 1,12% – Krynychansky, 1,7% – Novomoskovs’ky; in such towns as: Pavlograd – 11,4%, Krivyi Rig – 4,6%, Zhovty Vody – 3,5%, Volnogorsk – 4,9%, Dnipropetrovs’k – 17,1%. As to the informatiom of statistics department a volum of foreign investments was reduced in such districs as: Verhnedneprovskiy – 0,44%, Nikopolskiy – 0,72%; in such towns as: Dniprodzerzhinsk – 4,3%, Nikopol – 0,57, Novomoskovs’k – 19,1%, Ordzhonikidze –79%, Synelnikovo –12,5%. The enterprises of the region did not inform about their investments to statistics department and thay partly repurchase shares at the non-residents that’s why a volum of investments was reduced. The biggest investments into the region economy came from enterprises of Ausria, Cyprus, USA, Turkey, Great Britain, and Malta.
The enterprises of a mountain – metallurgical complex prepared many investment projects with the purpose of manufactures remodeling and renovating.
Machine-building and a chemical industryis also preparing many investment projects, which you can find at our web-site.
The region has big tourist potential:
unique water and forests resources;
cultural-historical inheritance;
cultural and ethnography potential (national crafts and handcrafts).
In the region There are 114 nature reserves, 8 parks of garden art, 3 protected woodlands. There are 84 hotels, 130 bases for leisure time activities.
- KRATKI.UA Company
- Volkswagen-Expert Company
- DorBud Company
- Gruner Lviv Boutique Hotel
- SVIY SKLAD Company
- Ribas Karpaty Hotel
- Besttranslated Company
- Lemanso Company
- Accordo Ukraine Company
- Pulse family clinic
- Accordo Internazionale Company
- UTEM-Technological Pipelines LLC
- Litiz LLC
- Bontiak Hotel
- Ferenc Hotel
- SviTaho Company