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Poltava Region |
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Poltava region is one of the leading regions of Ukraine according to the majority of indexes.
Since the creation of Poltava guberniya (province) in 1802, our region developed as a complex. Economically, in XVII-XIX centuries, this territory was the centre of chumachestvo, which played a significant role during initial accumulation of the capital.
In the second half of the Õ²Õ century Poltava region becomes one of the significant centres of zemskoye movement, which and today can be an example of self-governement.
In the beginning of the ÕÕ century the region was repeatedly shaken with peasants rebellions and the ardent word of the defender of human rights Vladimir Korolenko was united with revolutionary and national appeals of many outstanding public figures.
The contribution of people, born in Poltava region, in the treasury of national and world culture is invaluable. Poltava region is the native land of the philosopher of world fame – Hrihoriy Skovoroda, of the founder of the Ukrainian literature Ivan Kotlyarevskiy, and of many other figures of science and culture.
Only in ÕÕ century Poltava region gave Ukraine the pioneer of the rocket theory and rocket building Uriy Kondratuk, designers of rocket machinery Uriy Pobedonostev and designer of tanks Mikola Dukhov, writers and poets Îles Honchar, Uriy Dold-Mikhailik, Pavlo Zagrebelniy, Vasyl Simonenko, Olexandre Êîvinka, composers brothers Ìàiboroda, Isaac Dunaevskiy, Olexandre Bilash and many other outstanding figures.
The size of its territory, 28,8 ths.sq.km. puts Poltava region in the seventh place in Ukraine, it exceeds territories of more than 50 states of the world, it shares borders with Chernihiv region and Sumy region in the north , with Kharkiv region in the east , with Dnipropetrovsk region and Kirovohrad region in the south, with Kyiv and Cherkassy regions in the west.
The population of Poltava region is 1.609 thousand people, as of the beginning of the year 2001. Caracteristically, 41 percent of the population live in villages.
The administrative structure of the region comprises 25 districts, 5 cities of the regional submission, 10 cities of district submission, 21 settlements, 467 village councils, in total there are – 1848 cities, towns, villages and settlements.
The region is situated in forest and steppe zone. Forests cover 7.4 % of the territory; soils are – mainly chernozem (blackearth).
The regional centre – the city of Poltava, there live 315 thousand people.
The biggest cities of the regional submission are: Kremenchuk – 232,3 thousand people, Lubny – 51,7, Êîmsomolsk – 54,4, Ìirhorîd – 42,4 thousand people.
Economic potential
Poltava region is known by the production of iron ore, the production and processing of oil and gas, manufacture of lorries, diamond tools, turbines, knitted wear, leather footwear, refined clothes, grains, sugar, vegetable oil, confectionery products and the like. Mineral water from Ìirhorod district is loved in all country. Agricultural production of the region is consumed in Ukraine, and is exported.
5 percent of industrial and agricultural production of Ukraine region. The significant part of produced in Poltava goods is exported.
The region has potentialities for different branches of industry. Today 4,8% of all industrial products and 5% of all agricultural products come from Poltava region. Some branches of industry of Poltava region have leading positions in the state. About 41% of all made in Ukraine lorries, are produced by Êremenchuk holding company "ÀvtoKraz"; besides, 18,6 % of all made in Ukraine electric motors, about 8% of machine tools come from the region, and one third of ukrainian crude oil is processed in region.
Further social and economic development of the region needs to further the development of engineering industry, metal-working industry, electrical engineering industry, instrument-making industry, light industry, food industry, oil and gas refining industry.
Particular importance is attached to the introduction of environment friendly production technologies.
Poltava region state administration worked out a number of programs and already implemented some of them. Programs are: program for development of private business undertakings, for the development of the fuel sector, program of optimum use of available energy supply sources, for the development of farm production, foreign investment program, etc.
Main industrial centers of the region
The city of Poltava and the city of Kremenchuk are industrial centers where is concentrated over 70% of commodity production of the region. Kremenchuk leads in engineering industry, especially in transport machinery industry, in power engineering industry and fuel industry.
Engineering industry, food industry, light industry and production of construction materials characterize the city of Poltava
The city of Komsomolsk scored marked successes in strategic planning, in resolving problems in health protection and in municipal sphere. The city of Mirhorod gradually becomes a health resort of european level.
397 industrial enterprises on independent balance operate today in the region. 1211 enterprises and organizations are engaged in industrial production in the region in total.
Food-processing industry and processing of agricultural products industry
Food industry and agricultural products processing industry of the region unite 133 enterprises. Meat, milk processing, sugar, backing, fruits and vegetables canning, alcohol branches, distilleries, breweries, production of soft drinks, confectioneries, represent them. Food industry and agricultural products processing industry production amounts to about 19 % of the regional industrial production. The volume of production in the food industry puts the region in 8-9 place in Ukraine, and the level of production per inhabitant in the industry is higher than average national one.
Over 60% of food industry production comes from enterprises of meat, sugar, dairy, baking and confectionery industries. Among leading enterprises in the food industry are: 11 sugar-mills, 2 confectioneries, 7 dairy factories, 4 cheese-making factories, 3 milk canneries, 3 oil-mills, 3 alcohol factories, 2 distilleries, 2 breweries, and a number of enterprises of baking, milling and cereal branches.
Machine building occupies a significant place in the regional industrial complex. It is represented by 96 enterprises on independent balance; there are more than one thousand enterprises and organizations that operate in metal-working and machine-building industries. There are also motor, electrotechnical, wagon-manufacturing industries, manufacture of road-building machinery and manufacture of technological equipment for chemical, food, and light industries in the region.
The leading enterprises of the machine building are:
Concern “Krukiv wagon-manufacturing plant” – one of the first wagons-manufacturing plants in the country. Its main production – all-metal large capacity open wagons, wagons for transportation of fertilizers, wagons of bunker type for transportation of grains and other food products, besides that, specialists of the plant put into production graders and front-end loaders. Especially they last product should be commended, the first ukrainian passenger car, which was built in time for the 10th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine. It is built in compliance with all international standards.
– one of the first wagons-manufacturing plants in the country. Its main production – all-metal large capacity open wagons, wagons for transportation of fertilizers, wagons of bunker type for transportation of grains and other food products, besides that, specialists of the plant put into production graders and front-end loaders. Especially they last product should be commended, the first ukrainian passenger car, which was built in time for the 10th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine. It is built in compliance with all international standards.
The holding company "ÀvtoÊrAZ" is the biggest machine-building enterprise of the region. Its main commodities are: six-wheel lorries with carrying capacity from 9 to 20 tons. The capacity of the enterprise is nearly 30 thousand lorries per year. The factory mastered the manufacture of more than 20 types of lorries of high carrying capacity, which are used on mine workings, on industrial enterprises and power stations under construction, on timber-felling sites and in other branches. The serial production of lorries of middle and low carrying capacity is in prospect.
is the biggest machine-building enterprise of the region. Its main commodities are: six-wheel lorries with carrying capacity from 9 to 20 tons. The capacity of the enterprise is nearly 30 thousand lorries per year. The factory mastered the manufacture of more than 20 types of lorries of high carrying capacity, which are used on mine workings, on industrial enterprises and power stations under construction, on timber-felling sites and in other branches. The serial production of lorries of middle and low carrying capacity is in prospect.
Open joint stock company "Poltava plant ”Electromotor" is an enterprise of electrotechnical machine-building. Its main commodities are: electric engines of different types, which are used at nearly two thousand enterprises in Ukraine and are exported.
is an enterprise of electrotechnical machine-building. Its main commodities are: electric engines of different types, which are used at nearly two thousand enterprises in Ukraine and are exported.
Open joint stock company "Poltava diamond factory" is an unique enterprise of the kind in Ukraine. Among its commodities are products from superfirm materials, drawing dies for drawing the most thin wire, tools for the diamond industry.
is an unique enterprise of the kind in Ukraine. Among its commodities are products from superfirm materials, drawing dies for drawing the most thin wire, tools for the diamond industry.
Among the numerous industrial enterprises of machine-building industry the biggest are: open joint stock company "Kremenchuk wheel plant", open joint stock company "Êremenchuk road-building machinery plant", open joint stock company "Poltavamash", open joint stock company "Poltava motor-aggregate plant”, open joint stock company " Diesel-locomotiv-repair works ", open joint stock company " Êàrlivka machine-building plant ", open joint stock company " Êàrlivka mechanical plant ", open joint stock company " Galeshina machine-building plant " and a number of others, widely known in our region, and beyond its limits, enterprises.
Mining industry
Giant of Ukrainian ferrous metallurgy, the pride of Poltava region, – open joint stock company "Poltava ore mining and processing enterprise" is an enterprise of mining industry. Its main production is iron ore concentrate with iron content up to 65% and iron ore pellets for blast furnaces of metallurgical works. The capacity of the enterprise is: crude iron ore production – 33 mn. tons per year, iron ore concentrate production – 13,8 mn.tons, iron ore pellets production – 10,9 mn.tons per year. It`s a town-building enterprise, there work nearly 10 thousand people.
Oil and gas extracting industry
Poltava region is the leading oil and gas-extracting region in Ukraine. About 40% of ukrainian gas and each fifth ton of oil and condensate come from the Poltava region, which has unique deposits of fuel, energy and mineral raw materials. Industrial workings on them began in 1950s at Radchenko oil field in Ìirhorod district.
The originality of oil and gas extracting industry of the region is that the structure of the complex includes all stages – from prospecting for mineral resources to processing of hydrocarbons.
The reached level of the output of hydrocarbons and further rising of the output depend on annual increase of prospected deposits in volumes that are not less than the output.
Regional specialists of geological prospecting were leaders in the field of very deep drilling. By the volume of works in the field, Poltava region is among international leaders. It made it possible to prospect deposits of hydrocarbons at a depth of 5-6 thousand metres. By the way, the deepest bore-hole (6750 metres) is situated at East-Poltava oil field; on the outskirts of Poltava. There are 72 oil and gas fields under exploitation in total in the region. Oil and gas are extracted in 20 districts of the region.
Oil and gas processing
Close joint stock company of the transnational financial and industrial company «Ukrtatnafta» – Kremenchuk oil-processing plant – is one of the biggest oil-processing plants of Ukraine.Its main commodities are
▪ car petrols and diesel fuels;
▪ engine, industrial, and transmission lubricants;
▪ road and construction bitumens, furnace mazuts;
▪ gas for communal needs;
▪ technical sulphur.
In total, the plant produces more than 80 types of oil-related products.
The agriculture is the base of the industrial and agricultural complex. It is characterized by developed production of grains, milk, and industrial crops.
Farms have been reformed on the basis of reforming types of ownership.640 enterprises of different ownerships operate in the industrial complex today. Nearly 2 mn. hectares of land are used for agricultural production, 1,5 mn. of it is arable land. Soil is mainly chernozem; it covers 90% of land. Farmers of the region grow more than 20 types of cereals, rear 8 kinds of animals and poultry.
The number of private farms grows in last years. 87,3 ths. hectares of agricultural holdings are assigned to them.84,7 ths. hectares of it are arable land.57,4 hectares of arable land are assigned to a farm on an average. Every year farmers gain experience in commodities production. Stock-breeding is a traditional branch in Poltava region. There are 508,6 thousand cattle, 230,8 thousand cows included, nearly 411 thousand pigs and 69 thousand goats and sheeps, about 6 mn. poultry in all types of farms (private sector included). There is one of the biggest pedigree bases of Ukraine in Poltava region.30 farms of pedigree cattle and 35 breeding farms for pigs of white and of Mirhorod breeds. Stud-horse breeding is in ascent. Horses from Dybrova stud farm are known by its records in foreign countries.
Every year in the region new industrial capacities are put into operation, new installations of social sphere are built, new installations of gas are laid, cities, towns and villages improvements are carried out, as well as building and repairs of roads.
Building branch of the region is represented by 250 building companies and 10 managing organisations, 22,8 thousand people work in the branch.
Among building companies there are 187 (72%) companies of collective ownership, 40 companies (15,4%) of state ownership and 18 (6,9%) of private ownership.
The following programmes have been worked out in the region: Chernobyl building programme, regional programme for house-building, programme for completion of school-building and for installation of gas in village schools, if there are gas deposits, programme for reconstruction of blocks of flats of first mass series, and programme for completion of construction of unfinished installations. Programmes are implemented on the basis of real financial resources.
Particular attention in the work of the regional building complex is given to house building. The following state programmes are being implemented in the region: “Development of house-building for the youth”, “Your own house” on the basis of the state preferential long-term credits, and “Dwelling for servicemen” on the basis of investment and 1,5% deductions from profit tax.
The programme for preservation and use of architecture monuments and historical cities of Poltava region envisage the rebirth of architecture monuments which were lost in 1930s and the restoration of the remained ones. The implementation of this programme needs much investment.
40 specialized industrial enterprises and about 250 small enterprises produce building matertials in Poltava region.
At the enterprises of the region there are capacities for production of basic building materials:
▪ wall materials – 521,8 mn. bricks;
▪ ðre-fabricated ferro-concrete structures – 840,5 thousand cubic metres;
▪ large-panel structures – 200,1 thousand square metres;
▪ joiner made goods – 304,3 thousand square metres;
▪ saw-timber – 111,4 thousand cubic metres;
▪ non-ore building materials – 8803,3 thousand cubic metres;
▪ porous fillers – 140,7 thousand cubic metres;
▪ heat-insulating materials (foam-plastics and mineral and wadding) – 20 thousand cubic metres.
There are 6650 small businesses in the region. There work 56,6 thousand people. Besides that, there are 48,1 thousand registered natural persons-subjects of business activities.
42% of all small businesses are situated in Poltava, 26% are in Kremenchuk.
Small business is developing mainly in the following sectors: commerce and public catering (53%), industry (13%) and building (10%).
Small businesses have the highest profitability in the fields of material, technical supply and sales, commerce and public catering.38 information and consulting institutions, 21 investment companies, 76 financial and credit institutions (22 credit unions included), 14 business centre, 2 business incubator, 4 foundations supporting private business undertakings form the infrastructure that was created in order to support small business and secure it further development.45 public small business organisations and associations become more and more active.
The analysis of dynamics of foreign trade turnover shows a steady increase of export and of positive balance from 1999,it`s indicative of positive processes in the foreign trade of the region. The processes are caused by the growth of regional production and by the increase of export potential of the region.
The region’s foreign economic turn-over of works, commodities, and services of the year 2002 totals USD 1176,5 mn. Export of works, commodities, and services totals USD 873,2 mn., import – USD 303,3 mn.
Top regional export articles are still mineral products, surface vehicles, machinery, electrical engines, base metals and products made of base metals.
Direct foreign investment in enterprises of Poltava region totals USD 155,9 mn., as of January 1, 2003.
Geographical structure of foreign investment is formed under influence of two interdependent factors. The depth of foreign economic relations determines one the one hand, its development with traditional partners (CIS countries with a predominance of Russia, some West-European countries), on the other hand – by the need of diversity, especially, of international investment activity. The biggest investors are our partners from Russian Federation (66,9% of total investment), Cyprus (6,5%), Netherlands (6,2%), USA (6,1%), Canada (3,%). 151 enterprises of the region received investment as of January1, 2002. The analysis of the investment activity shows that Poltava region is still attractive for foreign investors. There are grounds for the increase of investment, taking into consideration the regional developed industry, its powerful agro-industrial and oil-gas extracting complex, highly skilled specialists, basic infrastructure and advantageous geographical situation.
Priority fields for investment: processing industry, machine-building and metal-working enterprises, construction materials industry, fuel industry, housing and communal services, and protection of environment.
Education branch of the region is under reform. In last years it did not have losses, it kept it educational institutions. Educational institutions of new type have been created: 5 gymnasiums, 8 Lyceums, 48 teaching and educational complexes. Regional program for development of general secondary education for 1999 – 2012 is worked out. Great importance is attached to the development of village schools. Universities and academies have been created on the base of former institutes. The potential of 30 state higher educational institutions was increased in this way. The change of status contributed to the increase of professions, which are taught (40 in total).
Higher educational institutions
Seven state educational institutions of III-IV level of accreditation operate in the region. There are three universities among them: Poltava state pedagogical university V.Korolenko, Kremenchuk state polytechnic university, Poltava state technical university U.Kondratuk and Ukranian medical stomatological academy. Poltava state technical university U.Kondratuk a teaching and scientific center for training specialists in following fields: construction, economics, architecture, ecology and engineering. More than 4 thousand students acquire 27 professions and specializations in 7 departments there. Ukrainian medical somatological academy opened in 1931 as odontology department of Kharkiv medical institute. In 1967 a stomatological institute was transferred to Poltava, and a medical department was opened on its base in 1971. In 1994 Poltava medical stomatological institute received the highest IV level of accreditation and the status of Ukrainian medical stomatological academy.3200 students study in stomatological, medical, hospital nurse and dental technician departments.426 lecturers work there. There 5 departments in Poltava state agricultural institute. About 4000 students study there.
16950 students study in 22 higher educational institutions of I-II level of accreditation. About 3 000 lecturers train junior specialists for medicine, education, culture, agriculture, trade, food and transport industries.
International relations of Poltava higher educational institutions grow. Today in Poltava there are students from Russia, Latvia, Poland, Czech republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, France, Germany, Denmark, Canada, USA and China.
System of secondary schools
There is a system of uninterrupted education in the region. Its first level is the pre-school education. Responding to the needs of the population, in the region operate 717 child pre-school institutions with 40260 children.286 of the institutions belong to the system of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine. The others 431 belong to different departments.
Pre-school institutions differ by form, content and type. In particular, there are kindergardens with the following orietations: aesthetic and artistic, the humanities, and health improvement.
941 state educational institutions operate in the region (741 in rural area). 217 000 pupils study there (89 900 in rural area). There are 168 primary schools. 2 900 pupils study there. There are 455 schools providing complete general secondary education of I-III level.186 300 pupils study there.
19 boarding schools operate in the region for children in need of social assistance.
Great attention is attached to the educational institutions of new type.5 gymnasiums, 5 lyceums of arts, 30 teaching and educational complexes operate today in the region. There are 111 schools with deep studies of certain subjects. Language regime in teaching and educational institutions is, basically, in compliance with national structure of the regional population. There are 896 secondary schools with Ukrainian language of education, 39 with ukranian and russian languages and 6 with russian language.3 private educational institutions operate in Poltava and 4 in Kremenchuk.
Vocational training schools
120 professions are taught in regional vocational training schools for all branches of national economy.8 vocational training school assure training of specialists for machine-building industry, 8 – for construction industry, 7 – for agriculture, 1 – for railway transport, 17 rural and 6 city schools – for motor transport, 7 – for consumer services. There are vocational training schools of new type: a higher vocational training school ¹7 in Kremenchuk, inter-regional center of professional training for servicemen who have been transferred to the reserve in Khorol and art vocational training school ¹28 in Reshetylyvka.
Poltava region has considerable potential for development of touring and recreation facilities.
The region has not suffered from Chernobyl disaster. There are all favourable nature and climate grounds for the development of touring and recreation facilities: forests, considerable number of rivers and lakes, and picturesque landscapes.
There are many mineral springs, which contain biologically active substances in Poltava region. Many operating health centers and holiday homes are situated at such springs.
There are many hunting areas in the region. Controled wolf-hunting, hare-hunting, wild duck hunting, elk-hunting, deer-hunting, wild boar hunting, roe hunting and foxhunting are permited.
3 touring and excursion enterprises and their 7 agencies, 44 touring firms operate in the region.
Measures have been worked out to promote historical and cultural values of Poltava region. New itineraries of national system “Neclace of Slavutich”, “By chumak routes of Poltava region”, “Chimes of Cathedral” and teaching, health improving and cognitive itinerary “Ecological path” have been worked out on the base of these measures.
Rural touring (green touring) becomes more and more popular in Poltava region. 39 stadiums, 15 swimming pools, 700 gyms, 364 shooting galleries are at disposal of the population.
There is a developed transport infrastructure for motor-tourist in the region. It includes a system of shops and service/filling stations.
A system of hotels and holiday homes contributes to the development of the touring business. The majority of them are situated in Poltava, Mirhorod and Kremenchuk.
- KRATKI.UA Company
- Volkswagen-Expert Company
- DorBud Company
- Gruner Lviv Boutique Hotel
- SVIY SKLAD Company
- Ribas Karpaty Hotel
- Besttranslated Company
- Lemanso Company
- Accordo Ukraine Company
- Pulse family clinic
- Accordo Internazionale Company
- UTEM-Technological Pipelines LLC
- Litiz LLC
- Bontiak Hotel
- Ferenc Hotel
- SviTaho Company