The Kolibris Privately Owned Enterprise

  • Address:
    9, Gnata Yury str., c. Kyiv, 01000, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(044) 407-10-07, 407-10-10
  • Web-site:   
President - Valeriy V. Sibilev

Scope of activity:
1. Services of the Kolibris Trade Entertaining Complex
- trade point rent;
- receiving of meat foods from people to selling;
- selling of any food stuff, cigarettes and alcoholic drinks;
- giving of weight-measuring appliances to temporary use.
2. The Kolibris 4 Firm tourist services.
- abroad rest and rest in popular holiday resorts of Ukraine and Crimea;
- treatment and rest in sanatoria and pensions;
- excursion tours.
3. The Midi Studio Advertising Department services.
4. Cultural measure organizations.
5. One-stop shop services.
6. Web-studio services.