Limited Liability Company AP Ovidiopolvino

  • Address:
    56, Zaliznychna str., c. Ovidiopol', Odesa reg., 67801, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(048) 743-07-62, (067) 559-41-95, (097) 905-81-84
Sphere of activity:
- producing of vine under the TM Ovidiopol ( Generally known marks of vine: Kaberne, Merlo, Izabella, Kagor.
Exclusive vine: semi-sweet vine Ovidiopol wite and Ovidiopol red, dry vine Tchervona Ruta, sweet vine Izabella, Lidiya, Solntse v bokale, Muskat Tavriysky. Souvenir production Kagor, Kaberne, Muskat Tavriysky)