The Nature Museun is known by its unique collections and by the fact that it is one of the oldest domestic nature museums. The day of establishment is considered to be the 2nd of april 1807. On that day a collection of stuffed birds that was purchased in Saint Petersburg arrived to Kharkiv by sledge. In the middle of the 19th century a state adviser D. Donets-Zaharzhevsky had bequeathed to the museum his collection of spineless animals together with the show boxes made out of mahogany wood.
Today the museum posseses about 300 000 exhibits. In 23 show rooms there are exhibits of live and inanimate nature of all oceans and continents of the Earth. Here you can see the sceletons of gigantic whales, mammoth and a Steller cow, a collection of tropical bugs and butterflies and also a big amount of minerals and meteorites.