Ukrsibbank, Public Joint-Stock Company

  • Address:
    2/12, Andreevska str., c. Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(057) 703-26-20, 738-80-01
  • Web-site:   
Membership in Interbank Unions, Exchanges, Associations, and International Organizations

"EUROPAY int."
Authorised Agent of American Express
Agent of Visa, Thomas Cook, Western Union
Ukrainian Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (UIFEM)
Interregional Stock Union, Joint-StocK Company (ISU)
Crimean Interbank Foreign Exchange Market (CIFEM)
OTC Stock Trading System (OTCSTS)
Association of Ukrainian Banks (AUB)
Kharkiv Banking Union (KhBU)

List of banking activities the bank is allowed to perform according to the classification of the National Bank of Ukraine:
1. Bank client servicing;
2. Conveyance and collection of monetary funds;
3. Guranteed storage of clients securities;
4. Hryvnya account management of resident clients;
5. Hryvnya account opening and management of correspondent-banks;
6. Attraction and placement of credit facilities and deposits in the inter-bank market;
7. Credit facilities to private individuals and legal entities and financial leasing;
8. Factoring;
9. Investment in authorized capital of other legal entities;
10. Deposits attraction of legal entities;
11. Deposits attraction of private individuals;
12. Issue of securities;
13. Dollar account management of resident and non-resident clients and hryvnya accounts of non-residents;
14. Non-commercial operations with currency;
15. Dollar account management of resident and non-resident correspondent banks;
16. Hryvnya account management of resident and non-resident correspondent banks;
17 Opening of correspondent dollar accounts in the authorized Ukrainian banks and operations with them;
18. Opening of correspondent hryvnya accounts in non-resident banks and operations with them;
19. Attraction and placement of currency in the currency market of Ukraine;
20. Attraction and placement of currency in the international markets;
21. Operations with currency in the international markets;
22. Capital investment by order of the owners or administrators of investment capital;
23 Issue of vouchers, guarantees and other commitments of a third party;
24. Purchase, sale of securities and operations with them;
25. Monetary and securities management by clients' order;
26. Purchase, sale of state-issued securities and operations with them

Correspondent Banks:

LORO accounts - 32, NOSTRO accounts - 29 in countries CIA;
LORO accounts - 4, NOSTRO accounts - 34 in the CIS and Baltic countries
Currency Exchange operations
Bank buys-sells RUR, USD, DEM, FRF, GBR

International auditor of the Bank – “Price Waterhouse Coopers”

For already three years Price Waterhouse Coopers has been the international auditor of the Bank. The auditing results have confirmed of the Bank's financial accounting with its financial position.