"Chimtextilmash" has been developing, manufacturing, testing, commissioning over 40 years both new and updated equipment for manufacture of chemical strings, fibers, films, nonfabric and composite materials from thermoplastic synthetic polymers; equipment for food and processing industry - over 10 years.
"Chimtextilmash" offers:
- continuous-action polymerization equipment, extraction equipment, and granulated polymer drying equipment;
- equipment for extrusion shaping and winding of synthetic strings, fibers, films, monostrings, lines and bristles;
- equipment of input and homogenization of heat andf light stabilization additives, dyes and modifying additives in polymer melt;
- single-screw and double-screw extruders, mixers, moulding blocks, cooling shafts for polymer melt forming;
- units for needle pierce and heat-fastened nonfabric materials manufacture both by polymer melt extrusion and from the strings;
- glass fiber winders, glass roving winders for glass spinning units;
- other chemical fibers and strings manufacture equipment;
And also:
- equipment for production of vegetable oil from oil-yielding plants;
- equipment for dry and condensed milk production; for fast milk pasterization and processing into butter, cottage cheese and sour cream;
- buckwheat production lines;
- mini-bakeries;
- equipment for waffles and other confectionery products