Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

  • Address:
    42 Academician Glushkov Ave., c. Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(044) 526-24-97, 526-64-57
  • Web-site:   
Director - UNAS Corresponding Member Anatoliy A. Morozov

The main sphere of UNAS IMMSP, scientific, scientific and technical activities is creating the scientific bases, developing progressive informational technologies and integrating them into country’s national economy and defences, advanced methods of the mathematical modelling in different fields (science, economy, ecology,ets), multi-purposed automatized systems, methods of computer engineering and their software systems including.
- developing the scientific bases of creating and integrating new class of systems for building the State organization: the system of supporting the making decisions at the higher state standards that are used by the Ukraine Supreme Rada, the Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Defence, the Ukraine President Management and the executive power, other agencies;
- developing and researching mathematical models, on their basis, creating the systems of supporting the making decisions on environment protection and natureuse problems;
- researching the problems on the computing means intellectualization in the fields of their use (PKT aviation, communication, ecology, social sphere);
- researching and creating stationary and borne (air-borne, ship-borne, vehicle-borne) high intellectual and highly productive computing systems, including neurocomputers, other space-purpose systems and control systems with moving objects;
-creating efficient methods, algorithms and the tool facilities of mathematical modelling complex objects and processes in science and national economy;
- creating and providing with functioning the system of certificating the means of the computer engineering as the component part of the national system of certificating products for the purpose of rising computer facilities quality, competitiveness at the foreign market.
By decree of UNAS Presidium at the institute there is carried out training the scientific brainpower through postgraduate study and persons working for doctor’s degree course. In accordance with Ukraine Higher Attestation commission Presidium Decision, at the Institute the specialized council with the right of taking for consideration and carrying out the defences of theses for doctor’s (candidate’s) degree works.
Since1994 the”Mathematical Machines and Systems’’, specialized scientific and technical periodical, has been published by the Institute.
Thanks to the officials high scientific potential, the Institute realizes wide international scintific connections, fruitfully cooperates with the Ukraine Council of Ministers, the Ukraine Supreme Soviet, the Administration of President, the Ministry of Defence and the other institutions and departments.

Developments that the Organization Considers Expedient for Being Realized.
1. The Program complex of supporting the making of group (expert) examinations and Model processing results.
2. The “Making Decisions Supporting System” program and technical complex.
3. The “Budget” program complex.
4. The “Distributed Data Bank” program complex.
5. The Program complex of forming the alternative versions of decisions concerning distributing the resources on the basis of “Fora ”, multicriterial linear programming model.
6. The Decisions alternative versions estimation-(DAVE) program complex.
7. The program-tool complex “Date Metabase”.
8. The source information database driving program complex.
9. The GIS TEMKARTA thematic map-making.
10. Creating the computational program-technical complex (OPTK-CPTC) of the
(EKRAN-SCREEN) radar unit.
11. The reliability provision dialogue information-automatized system.
12. The Automated system of providing and controlling reliability (monitoring) of the complex and main objects (aeroplanes and others).
13. The “Scancentre” project.
14. The “Phasograch” project.
15. The “Internet unit” project.
16. The system of personality recognizing by voice.
17. The asdics and their components.
18. The underground sonic holography system.
19. The system of automating various heat power engineering of different complication degree: MRTP “ELEKON”, PTK “ELEKON”, ShChU “ELEKON”.
20. The Program neurocomputer “Neuro-2000” of wide purpose.
21. The European system adaptation software of supporting making decisions on radiation accidents consequences.

In 2002 by the Institute there have been implementing the international projects within the bounds of the long-term international agreements.
The Project INTAS 2001 - 0257 "Smart Sensors for Field Screening of Air Pollutions"
NATO Project - "Science for Peace Digital Aroma Technology for Quantitative Classification of Complex Mixtures"

In the bounds of bilateral relations with foreign firms there has been carrying out the research work: "Development and Experimental investigation of Module neural network technology for Ultrasonic Spatial Sensing System", the firm "International Scientific Research LLC", U.S.A.

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