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Vinnytsya Region |
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Vinnitsya region has been formed on 27 February 1932 and now is one of the most developed agrarian-industrial and cultural-historical parts of Ukraine. Its territory is 26,5 thousands square kilometres – 4.4% of Ukrainian territory.
Vinnitsya is the administrative regional centre. It is situated in 222 km from Kyiv to South-West. Population is 357 ths.
Vinnitchina now includes three town regions and 27 village regions. The oblast counts 17 bigger and 30 smaller towns, and 1467 villages.
There are a lot of mineral resourses and rare raw materials in Vinnitsya region. The largest group includes non-metallic minerals, natural construction materials in particular. This group includes about 800 minerals.
At present, fifteen deposits of these minerals have been prospected and are being used. Among the mineral resources kaolin-beds take the first stand.
In the territory of Murovani-Kurilivtsi district the considerable reserves of fluorite have been discovered. This deposit, unique in Ukraine, is capable to provide completely our state and foreign companies with fluorites.
The granite reserves are available in all the districts of the region but the industrial production is being executed only in 12 deposits with the total volume 6 mln cubic metres.
In the region the only in Europe garnet-bed is situated. This mineral is being used only by the enterprises of Zaporizhzhia and Krivyi Rig. In ten types of minerals there are deposits of semi-precious stones – opals.
Our enterprises are exported about 30 percent of their production to 100 countries of the world. The main trade partners are Russian Federation, Germany, the USA, the Republic of Belarus.
The region is ready to export the equipment of industry automation, the systems of weight measurement, the equipment and systems of monitoring of electro-transmission networks of Science-inculcational enterprise “InnoVinn”; the equipment and computer providing for digital fotometering and cartography, including colour fotogrammeter scaners and stations of State enterprise “Geosystem”; high-quality diamonds, equipment and instruments for diamonds faceting of “Vinnitsya Kristall Diamond Factory”; a broad range of fire weapon: live guns, carbines, hunting rifles of Science-industrial association “Fort”; high-quality production of Ukrainian Vodka Company “NEMIROFF” and Close joint-stock company “Vinnitsya Liqueur-Vodka Plant”, which is in demand in many countries of the world.
Light industry is also of great importance in regional economy. This branch, under the unfavourable conditions of production, did not reduce greatly the production output. Due to this fact, it kept the personnel. As they possess high quality equipment, high qualified personnel, these enterprises attract the attention of foreign companies.
The main branch in export increasing potential and regional economy stabilization is agroindustrial complex. The land resources is the greatest value of Vinnitchina. Long since Vinnichina has the name of a “Sugar-mine”. Sugar beets are converted to sugar at 36 sugar plants some of which are 150 years old.
The regional state administration gives the equal support opportunities to various forms of economy and agricultural structures of the market type. It encourages existing effective collective enterprises, joint stock companies and processing enterprises.
8 sanatoriums in Khmilnyk and Nemiroff health centre “Avangard” are functioned on the base of low-radiation mineral water “Radon” and medical mud baths, where successfully treat people who suffer from pains in the back, cardiovascular diseases, illnesses of respiratory tract and nervous system.
There are National Pirogov Medical University, State Technical University, Agrarian University, Pedagogical University, Institute of Trade and Economy in Vinnitsya, where future specialists from Ukraine and 40 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America get the education.
The city is famous for National Pirogov Museum – the Museum of outstanding Russian surgion with church-mausoleum, where Pirogov’s embalmed body is kept; expositions of regional and art museums, monasteries of 16-18 centuries, regional music-dramatic theater named in honor of Sadovsky, regional philharmonic society, city chamber orchestra. Tourists from many countries of the world visit Vinnitsya region. The region has developed network of highways, hotels and restraunts.
The regional state administration is interested in subsequent development of mutually beneficial relations between Vinnitchina and regions of other countries.
Over 650 subjects of foreign trade activities, or each third enterprise of area trade relations with partners on export-import transactions from more support, than 100 countries of the world. Export deliveries for last 5 years have increased in 1,7 times.
The Vinnitsa enterprises: Open Joint – Stock Company "Volodarka", "Podolye", "Lileya", Joint-Stock Company "Vinnichanka", enterprise " Dynamo ", Open Joint Stock Company "Тulchinskaya's shoe factory " produce modern, beautiful, elegant man's and female suits, a dress for women, a product for children and teenagers, the top jersey, man's and woman’s footwear of high gualiti.
In the countries of compact residing ukrainians Podolsk embroidered shirts, towels and other art products are well-known.
Production is in great demand in Ukraine in Italy, Germany, the USA and other states. It became possible due to modern technologies, qualitative materials, art skill of designers, fashion designers, work of seamstresses.
The enterprises were united in the Ukrainian association of manufacturers of clothes which represents commercial interests of the named enterprises abroad.
In agriculture more than 850 agroformations function on the basis of a private property on the ground. Besides 1240 country (farmer) facilities operate. The arable land makes more then 2 mln hestares. Fertility of the grounds on the average on area makes 60-65 units (on 100 – a ball scale).
On volume of gross output of an agriculture the area takes leading place in Ukraine. Densities of plant-growing is – 61 %, animal industries – 39 %. Vinnytchyna remains one of the greatest the manufacturer of agricultural production. It has a powerful beet-sugar complex, takes leading positions on total gathering grain crops, in potato growing, gardening and animal industries.
Food and a process industry
The area is submitted:
28 milkprocessing factories daily productivity 2,6 thousand tons processings of milk;
19 enterprises of meat area daily capacity of 320 tons of processing of meat;
9 fruit-canneries enterprises capacity 154 thousands conventional tins for a season;
14 spirituous factories annual capacity more than 10 million dal.spirit;
63 enterprises flour-grinding and groating industries daily capacity over 4410 tons of a flour and 600 tons of groats
34 sugar factories capacity from above 3 mln.tons processings of sugar beet during a season;
3 breweries with annual capacity from above 3,3 mln.dal.
- KRATKI.UA Company
- Volkswagen-Expert Company
- DorBud Company
- Gruner Lviv Boutique Hotel
- SVIY SKLAD Company
- Ribas Karpaty Hotel
- Besttranslated Company
- Lemanso Company
- Accordo Ukraine Company
- Pulse family clinic
- Accordo Internazionale Company
- UTEM-Technological Pipelines LLC
- Litiz LLC
- Bontiak Hotel
- Ferenc Hotel
- SviTaho Company