Agency for the Development of Women's and Youth Entrepreneurship
- Address:3, Petrushevicha sq., c. Lviv, 79005, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(0322) 70-90-63, 72-45-83, 78-17-59
Head - Lesya Dovganyk
Deputy Head - Oksana Poraiko
Registration Date: 1999
Status: oblast
- Assistance to women and youth in their social adaptation in the period of economic reforms;
- Change in the stereotypes in relation to the place and role of women in the society;
- Assistance in solving social problems in the region;
- Creation of the mechanisms of collaboration with state and local authorities, entrepreneurial structures and public organizations;
- Dissemination of the successful experience of running private buseness by women-entrepreneurs;
- Lobbying the entrepreneurs' interests at state and local authorities;
- Methodic, informational, technical and legal support to the Association members;
- Organization of training, seminars, conferences, forums.
Deputy Head - Oksana Poraiko
Registration Date: 1999
Status: oblast
- Assistance to women and youth in their social adaptation in the period of economic reforms;
- Change in the stereotypes in relation to the place and role of women in the society;
- Assistance in solving social problems in the region;
- Creation of the mechanisms of collaboration with state and local authorities, entrepreneurial structures and public organizations;
- Dissemination of the successful experience of running private buseness by women-entrepreneurs;
- Lobbying the entrepreneurs' interests at state and local authorities;
- Methodic, informational, technical and legal support to the Association members;
- Organization of training, seminars, conferences, forums.
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ОАО "Воронежсельмаш"
ОАО "Воронежсельмаш" - ведущее специализированное предприятие по производству зерноочистительного оборудования в России и странах СНГ. Сегодня ОАО "Воронежсельмаш" является признанным лидером в своем сегменте.
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