Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

  • Address:
    34 Khreshchatyk, c. Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(044) 278-30-69, 536-96-41
  • Web-site:   
President - Anatoliy Kinah

Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) is a non-state, public non-profit organisation that comprises citizens-industrialists and entrepreneurs-subjects of entrepreneurial activity of all forms of ownership, public organisations (regional affiliates, branch organisations, associations, international public organisations) and their amalgamations with the aim of promoting economic reforms and protecting the interests of home manufacturers.

Principal objectives of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs are set forth as follows:
- protection of the interests of home manufacturers;
- facilitation of adoption by state bodies of the decisions that would promote the development of business in Ukraine;
- lowering of the social value of the market reforms that take place in this country;
- promotion of alleviation of consequences of economic crisis;
- securing of free enterprise and protection of the League’s members against the arbitrary of officials;
- stopping of declining of the production;
- all-round promotion of the structural reforms of the economy, production of competitive products, developing of the export potential, improvement of the management at enterprises, advance of the professional level of executives.

Efforts of the ULIE as to helping the economy out of the crisis – is the public program of reforms that is directed at supporting the employers and protecting the workers.

Sphere of activity of the ULIE today is big companies and small and medium-sized businesses, all branches of the national economy of Ukraine: industry, civil engineering, energy, railway, sea, automobile transport, communications, trade.

The ULIE exercises its activity on the basis of self-government, voluntariness and equality of rights of its members, openness and democracy.

Since 1996 the ULIE is a member of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and one of the founders of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE).

The Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs co-operates in constructive way and has its representatives in the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Supreme Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

For creation of agreed mechanisms of financial and credit support of efficiently working manufacturers the agreement on co-operation and co-ordination of activities between the ULIE and the National Bank of Ukraine has been concluded in 1997.

Organisational structure and management of the League are regulated by the Statutes.
The highest body of the ULIE is a Congress. Regular Congress is convened not less than once in three year period.

The Congress determines the main directions of activity of the ULIE, examines and approves long-term programs of activities, adopts the Statutes, introduces alterations and amendments, forms the Board, elects the President and the Inspection and the Credential Committees.

The ULIE President is the chief executive officer of the ULIE, represents its interests at legislative and governmental bodies, public, international and foreign organisations.