Socio-Market LLC

  • Address:
    appt.19, 6, Troitska str., c. Dnipropetrovsk, 49070, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(056) 744-57-39
  • Web-site:   
Director - Victor Fedchenko

"Socio-Market" means:
- 13 years in the sphere of marketing studies;
- organisational and financial independence;
- advanced technologies and own methodological developments;
- complete organisational and technique outfit;
- professionalism, high responsibility and thoroughness in operating;
- reliability and confidentiality of informational and research products.

"Socio-Market" is an independent service for sociological and marketing studies.
"Socio-Market" is a collective member of the Sociological association of Ukraine.

Permanent staff - 12 highly-qualified specialists in the spheres of sociology, marketing, psychology, politology, programming;
- all employees have profesional education;
- maximal experience of the leading experts in the spheres of sociology and marketing - 27 years, the minimal one is 4 years.

Organisational and Technique Potential

The organisation operates using international standards of organisation and carrying out studies.
The service is equipped with:
- all necessary facilities;
- statistic database (of various spheres of activities);
- specialised software, including Processing of Sociological Apllications (OSA), SPSS, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel;
- own premises for carrying out focus-groups, hall-tests;

The service possesses an own stationary polling network around Ukraine;

The service employs around 300 professionally trained interviewers who are regularly trained and certified. In major cities there is carried out specialisation of the interviewers according to methodics, in particular such as expert polls, deep interviews, etc.

"Socio-Market" possesses a control group which carries out an operative and comprehensive analysis of quality and authenticity of the acquired information. Besides we control observance of route construction procedure, quota parameter of selection, crucial methodical approaches of information pick-up;

Study results are provided both in electronic and printed versions as a report featuring graphics, diagrams, tables, analytical findings, recommendations. According to focuse-groups results the reports are provided with video cassettes. According to a request all source information is available (polling lists, route lists, etc.);

Results are provided during extended presentations, which provide verbal statement of study data.

Moral ad Ethical Basis

- normative basement of the service activities is the Code of Professional Ethics of the Sociological Association of Ukraine;
- the service provides for confidentiality of the acquired information.
- the service is open for checking by the Customer various methodical documents with the source materials and provides the opportunity to supervise information pickup.

Methods of research
The service uses a wide range of research methodics and own methodical developments. The list of the used methodical approaches features:
- polls of residents (private interviews);
- polling of experts;
- deep interviews;
- phone polls;
- focuse groups;
- hall tests;
- home tests;
- stock auditing.

The priorities are:
- focuse groups;
- polls by the residential principle (any issues);
- testing of stocks, products, services.

The crucial approach of the deep specialisation are focuse groups.
"Socio-Market" Service forms own school for carrying out group discussions. The basis for creation of a highly professional class for focuse group carrying out are experienced analysts and trained moderators who use advanced methodical developments, including own developments. This enables to profoundly and comprehensively study the set issues.

The main trends of research:
- research of market for goods and services:
- research of the retail network;
- product testing;
- testing of product packing;
- testing of professional quality of personnel;
- testing of advertisement products (TV ads, outside ads);
- studying ad efficiency;
- study of TV and radio audience;
- studying press market;
- studying social-political and economic situation.

In 2002 the following studies have been carried out:
- wine market;;
- cognac market;
- market of elite alcoholic beverages;
- mayonnaise market;
- market of sausage and meat products;
- margarine market;
- market of dairy products;
- market of canned fruits and vegetables;
- sunflower oil market;
- market of fish and related products;
- market of canned fish;
- juice market;
- market of hard and soft cheese.