Logos, Corporation
- Address:12, Zhovtneva sq., c. Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(056) 370-99-20
President - Valeriy Shamotiy
The corporation Logos has opened its page in alcoholic business of Ukraine in 1994. It has decided to deliver Bulgarian Wines on the home market. And in two years (in 1996) Logos became one of the largest distributors of alcoholic production in the country. And in two years more (1998) the decision on the beginning of producing wines under the own trademark named as "Wine House Logos" was taken. Taking in consideration the importance of investments in economy of the own country, production powers have placed at the largest enterprises of winemaking branches - in agro industrial firm "Tavria" (New Kakhovka, Kherson area) and Dnepropetrovsk wine plant. At the enterprises renovations were carried out and modern lines of pouring were established with the help of investments of corporation Logos.
Today the corporation Logos is the exclusive distributor of brandy produced under TM Tavria realizing 100 per cent of the production.
In the opinion of the Ukrainian experts of the home market, TM Wine House Logos is one of the most perspective alcoholic brands in Ukraine.
The primary goal of the corporation is the unity of traditions and cultures of winemaking and wine drinking of different cultures and peoples. And, certainly, it is important to support high reputation of the Ukrainian winemakers in the home and international markets. So, it is necessary to support high quality of production. In 1999 the scientific production enterprise "Winemaking Institute" was established. The enterprise together with the experts of TM "Wine House Logos" elaborated the unique monitoring system. It controls the quality of wines at all production phases - from the selection of raw material up to an end product, which falls into consumer's hands.
The gained experience in wine production was the basis for the development of a special collection of dry high grade wines "Elite" from TM "Wine House Logos" in 2001. These wines are made of the best high quality grapes. The quality and design of packing are inherent in the best drinks. The production of wines "Elite" is located at the enterprise with the richest history - OAA AIF "Tavria". It is one of a few enterprises of winemaking branches working exclusively on classical technologies by the beginning of 2003 new collections under the trademark will have been put on the market. They will be produced in Georgia and Moldova; "Georgian Toast" and "Moldavian Cellar". The elements of labels were made by the best design minds of Ukraine and Russia. They remember that collections of wines should present adequately the best samples of winemaking in different countries emphasizing continuity of European traditions of wine - drinking.
Having won a certain segment of the national market of alcoholic drinks and having been obtained recognition of the Ukrainian consumers, wines and brandies of TM "Wine House Logos" try to win the markets of near and distant foreign countries. Contracts on delivery of our production have been already made with many regions of Russia, with Byelorussia, Germany and Israel.
Professionals, having won more than 40 medals and also letters and diplomas on the international exhibitions, recognized quality and excellent taste of wines also.
One of the ways of strengthening of positive image of the trademark is participation in specialized exhibitions. It is necessary to mention the following all Ukrainian exhibition: "Alco Soft", "Food and Drinks", regional "Smak" (Dnepropetrovsk), "VinProdProm" (Zaporizhye), "Wine and Winemaking" (Odessa) and others. Assimilation the markets of CIS countries we take an active part in exhibitions in these countries: "Drinks Russia - 2001" and the largest in the East Europe exhibition "Prodexpo - 2002" and wine testing exhibition "Wine Cellar".
Certainly, participation of TM "Wine House Logos" in national competitions and ratings provides the creation of positive image of the trademark. So, in December 2001, within the International economic forum, TM "Wine House Logos" has received the rank "Golden Trademark". In 2001 wines of the corporation became exclusive drinks of the international rating of popularity and quality "Golden Fortune", and also the general sponsor of the ceremony of handing of the national prize in sphere of TV "Teletriumph - 2002".
OAA AIF "Tavria" (New Kakhovka) is an enterprise with more than century history originated in 1889. The first associations of wine growers appeared here in the beginning of 80-s XIX c. They were winemakers and wine growers people springing from France, Switzerland and Germany who introduced ancient traditions of winemaking carefully kept by descendents. Today "Tavria" takes the leading place among the manufactures of prestigious collection and branded brandies in Ukraine. The main directions of the activity of the firm: brandy production, winemaking, winegrowing and gardening.
DET TH "Market group" (Dnepropetrovsk) is the exclusive distributor of the production made under the trademark "Tavria".
AIF "Tavria" is famous for its collection and high-grade brandies created by masters of brandy art with wide experience and deep knowledge of traditions. The long-term endurance, classical manufacturing techniques give the noble drink of the trademark high status and authority among home and foreign brandy trademarks. During closed Moscow wine testing brandy spirits of Tavria were equal on the quality to world famous brandy spirits "Remi Martin".
Geographically "Tavria" is located on the 46th parallel, i.e. on the same parallel with well-known city Cognac (France), the native land of the same noble drink. At the end of XIX c. the famous scientist Golovjanko called this place "Ukrainian Champagne", where the nature created unique conditions for growing grape wine.
The climatic zone where Tavria wine yards grow is recognized by leading domestic and foreign experts of one of the most non-polluting zones.
"Tavria" has elaborated and successfully performed the program of escalating of raw reserves for manufacturing of wines and brandies. 30 grades of grapes are grown, seedlings of elite grades are imported from France, super intensive landings of grape under the euro standard with the system of drip irrigation and phyto-monitoring are introduced.
Unusual taste and the refined fragrance of high graded and collection brandies was estimated both by consumers and by high-class professionals. TM Tavria brandies have won 21 gold, 29 silver and 11 bronze medals on the prestigious international exhibitions. Today production of TM Tavria is realized in Ukraine and exported to other countries of the world.
The corporation Logos has opened its page in alcoholic business of Ukraine in 1994. It has decided to deliver Bulgarian Wines on the home market. And in two years (in 1996) Logos became one of the largest distributors of alcoholic production in the country. And in two years more (1998) the decision on the beginning of producing wines under the own trademark named as "Wine House Logos" was taken. Taking in consideration the importance of investments in economy of the own country, production powers have placed at the largest enterprises of winemaking branches - in agro industrial firm "Tavria" (New Kakhovka, Kherson area) and Dnepropetrovsk wine plant. At the enterprises renovations were carried out and modern lines of pouring were established with the help of investments of corporation Logos.
Today the corporation Logos is the exclusive distributor of brandy produced under TM Tavria realizing 100 per cent of the production.
In the opinion of the Ukrainian experts of the home market, TM Wine House Logos is one of the most perspective alcoholic brands in Ukraine.
The primary goal of the corporation is the unity of traditions and cultures of winemaking and wine drinking of different cultures and peoples. And, certainly, it is important to support high reputation of the Ukrainian winemakers in the home and international markets. So, it is necessary to support high quality of production. In 1999 the scientific production enterprise "Winemaking Institute" was established. The enterprise together with the experts of TM "Wine House Logos" elaborated the unique monitoring system. It controls the quality of wines at all production phases - from the selection of raw material up to an end product, which falls into consumer's hands.
The gained experience in wine production was the basis for the development of a special collection of dry high grade wines "Elite" from TM "Wine House Logos" in 2001. These wines are made of the best high quality grapes. The quality and design of packing are inherent in the best drinks. The production of wines "Elite" is located at the enterprise with the richest history - OAA AIF "Tavria". It is one of a few enterprises of winemaking branches working exclusively on classical technologies by the beginning of 2003 new collections under the trademark will have been put on the market. They will be produced in Georgia and Moldova; "Georgian Toast" and "Moldavian Cellar". The elements of labels were made by the best design minds of Ukraine and Russia. They remember that collections of wines should present adequately the best samples of winemaking in different countries emphasizing continuity of European traditions of wine - drinking.
Having won a certain segment of the national market of alcoholic drinks and having been obtained recognition of the Ukrainian consumers, wines and brandies of TM "Wine House Logos" try to win the markets of near and distant foreign countries. Contracts on delivery of our production have been already made with many regions of Russia, with Byelorussia, Germany and Israel.
Professionals, having won more than 40 medals and also letters and diplomas on the international exhibitions, recognized quality and excellent taste of wines also.
One of the ways of strengthening of positive image of the trademark is participation in specialized exhibitions. It is necessary to mention the following all Ukrainian exhibition: "Alco Soft", "Food and Drinks", regional "Smak" (Dnepropetrovsk), "VinProdProm" (Zaporizhye), "Wine and Winemaking" (Odessa) and others. Assimilation the markets of CIS countries we take an active part in exhibitions in these countries: "Drinks Russia - 2001" and the largest in the East Europe exhibition "Prodexpo - 2002" and wine testing exhibition "Wine Cellar".
Certainly, participation of TM "Wine House Logos" in national competitions and ratings provides the creation of positive image of the trademark. So, in December 2001, within the International economic forum, TM "Wine House Logos" has received the rank "Golden Trademark". In 2001 wines of the corporation became exclusive drinks of the international rating of popularity and quality "Golden Fortune", and also the general sponsor of the ceremony of handing of the national prize in sphere of TV "Teletriumph - 2002".
OAA AIF "Tavria" (New Kakhovka) is an enterprise with more than century history originated in 1889. The first associations of wine growers appeared here in the beginning of 80-s XIX c. They were winemakers and wine growers people springing from France, Switzerland and Germany who introduced ancient traditions of winemaking carefully kept by descendents. Today "Tavria" takes the leading place among the manufactures of prestigious collection and branded brandies in Ukraine. The main directions of the activity of the firm: brandy production, winemaking, winegrowing and gardening.
DET TH "Market group" (Dnepropetrovsk) is the exclusive distributor of the production made under the trademark "Tavria".
AIF "Tavria" is famous for its collection and high-grade brandies created by masters of brandy art with wide experience and deep knowledge of traditions. The long-term endurance, classical manufacturing techniques give the noble drink of the trademark high status and authority among home and foreign brandy trademarks. During closed Moscow wine testing brandy spirits of Tavria were equal on the quality to world famous brandy spirits "Remi Martin".
Geographically "Tavria" is located on the 46th parallel, i.e. on the same parallel with well-known city Cognac (France), the native land of the same noble drink. At the end of XIX c. the famous scientist Golovjanko called this place "Ukrainian Champagne", where the nature created unique conditions for growing grape wine.
The climatic zone where Tavria wine yards grow is recognized by leading domestic and foreign experts of one of the most non-polluting zones.
"Tavria" has elaborated and successfully performed the program of escalating of raw reserves for manufacturing of wines and brandies. 30 grades of grapes are grown, seedlings of elite grades are imported from France, super intensive landings of grape under the euro standard with the system of drip irrigation and phyto-monitoring are introduced.
Unusual taste and the refined fragrance of high graded and collection brandies was estimated both by consumers and by high-class professionals. TM Tavria brandies have won 21 gold, 29 silver and 11 bronze medals on the prestigious international exhibitions. Today production of TM Tavria is realized in Ukraine and exported to other countries of the world.
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