"San Clean INT", Ltd. was created in Odessa, Ukraine in April, 1996.
"San Clean INT", Ltd. - chemical enterprise making household washing & cleaning means.
Manufacture includes two basic technological processes:
- Process of preparation of compositions from individual components based on original know-how;
- Process of bottling, packing & packaging of end-products.
The company's washing & cleaning means correspond to the European Standards, they are made according to Ukrainian specifications authorized Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The manufacturing & packing processes base on ecologically pure and wasteless technologies. The incoming raw materials are in "turn back" containers which need no additional washing. Solid industrial wastes are absent. All made products don't emit harmful substances into atmospheric air in environmentally dangerous amounts.
An enterprise makes the following types of cleansers:
"San Clean" Mean for the doing dishes in an assortment (500 g)
"Master Cleaner" Mean for the removal of fat from gas-stoves, frying pans with a nebulizer and without a nebulizer (650 g)
"Master Cleaner" Mean for the removal of fat from gas-stoves, frying pans (500 g)
"Santic" Mean for cleaning of the glazed tile, glazed pottery and sanyzdelyy with a nebulizer and without a nebulizer (650 g)
"Santic" Mean for cleaning of the glazed tile, glazed pottery and sanyzdelyy without a nebulizer (650 g)
"Santic" Mean for cleaning of the glazed tile, glazed pottery and sanyzdelyy (500 g)
"Santic" Mean for the delete of scum from tea-pots, pans, coffee-pots (500 g)
"Santic" Mean for the delete of blight and water stone with a nebulizer (650 g)
"Santic" Mean for the delete of blight and water stone (500 g)
"Santic" Mean for washing of toilets in an assortment (750 g)
"Cristal" Mean for washing of glasses with a nebulizer and without a nebulizer in an assortment (500 ml)
"Cristal" Mean for washing of glasses with a nebulizer and without a nebulizer with silicon (500 ml)
"Furniture Wax Cleaner" Mean for cleaning and polish of furniture (500 g)
"Furniture Wax Cleaner" Mean for cleaning and polish of furniture with a nebulizer (500 g)
"Soap liquid" Soft soap for a body in an assortment (1000 g)
"Universal -2000" Mean for cleaning of carpets with a nebulizer (650 g)
"Universal -2000" Mean for cleaning of carpets concentrate (500 g)
"Universal -2000" Mean for washing of chaffs (lemon, apple) concentrate (500 g)
"Universal -2000" Mean washing the "General cleaning" up lemon, apple with a nebulizer (650 g)
"Universal -2000" Mean washing the "General cleaning" up lemon, apple (500 g)
"Universal -2000" Mean for washing of cleanings of SVCh-stoves with a nebulizer (650 г)
"Universal -2000" Mean washing for cleaning of SVCh-stoves, grills, frytyurnyts (500 g)
"Universal -2000" Mean for a washing vacuum cleaner (500 g)
"Bio-Extra" Universal detergent (900 g)
"Super Cleaner" Mean for clearing of sewage-pipes (1000 g)
The high quality level of end-products brings the results: the output of cleaning & washing means with "SanClean" trademark increases every year. Assortment grows too: today enterprise produces more than 30 household chemistry brands.
At presence of strong competition on the household chemistry market between both domestic and foreign companies, "San Clean INT", Ltd. keeps wide niche.
In 2002, "San Clean INT", Ltd. was awarded with the National Gold Medal of Quality "The Highest Order" for output of competitive high-quality items, and in 2003 with the International Award "The European Quality".