Levit, Limited Liability Company

  • Address:
    30, Bylinnaya st., c. Lugansk, 91045, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(0642) 34-71-36, 34-71-38
  • Web-site:
Director - Yuriy Ovcharenko

Firm «Elf» makes gloves from a natural leather. Since 2001 we sew mass quantity, and before we sewed gloves only in an exclusive variant. Exclusive tailoring of gloves has remained and now, as additional service. In assortment of gloves:
ladie's and man's finger gloves on a half-woolen lining,
ladie's and man's finger gloves without lining,
ladie's and man's finger gloves a manual seam (handsewning),
ladie's and man's finger gloves on fur,
ladie's and man's finger avto gloves,
ladie's and man's avto gloves.