Grafplast, Scientific Production Enterprise, Limited Liability Company

  • Address:
    70, Rozy Lyuxemburg str., c. Donetsk, 83114, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(062) 337-34-66, 381-81-72
  • Web-site:   
Director - Anatoliy I. Getmanets

"Grafplast" Scientific Production Enterprise, Limited Liability Company developes and produces, on the base of modified graphite and polymers, fundamentally new domestic joint sealants and Grafplast® production for abuilding and explotable underground, underwater hydraulic works and constructions in difficult mining, geological and climate conditions(vibrations, pressure, temperature, aggressive spheres, seismic activity, hydraulic shocks, vacuum, etc.)

"Grafoplast® " materials are:
- incombustible, noncongealable, filling and elastic(till -50 C) roofing;
- swelling (of water) jacks for functional joints in docks, aqueducts, underground, tunnels, bridges, canal, dam, mines, etc. and stuffing-boxes for cornice shafts, pumps, hydraulics, pipelines and stop valve;
- compositions for flashing of swimming-pools, cooling towers, collectors, filling roofing devices and foundations;
- chemical and biologycal aggression antirust and fire-resistant protection, antifouling surface;
- nonexpendable graphite sorbents for extraction organic materials from sewage, industrial, bilge, ballast waters for elimitation of escapes(1 kg of Grafplast sorbent gathers 500kg of oil and ????????).

Production is tested and in use in Donbass mines, large sluices and sewage collectors of Ukraine, in seismically dangerous regions of Turkmenistan, Crimea shipbuilding facilities, Zaporizhja, South-Ukrainian APP(atomic power-plants), etc. Grafplast® materials have unique properties and are developing on technical conditions of customers. Grafplast® production is certified and has ????? and ??????????? of use in contact with drinking water