Zgurovka Professional Lyceum

  • Address:
    6, Tsentralna str., c. Zhurivka, Kyiv reg., 07600, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(04570) 5-13-04, 5-30-18
  • Web-site:
Director - Vasyl V. Shevchenko

List of the specialities:
І. On the basis of 9 classes:
- the tractor driver - machinist of an agricultural production, the mechanic-repairman, the driver of the car of a category "S", the machinist of the hoisting crane
- the cook, the confectioner
- the accountant

Term of training 3 years

II. On the basis of 11 classes:
- the machinist of the hoisting crane
- the accountant

Term of training 1 year.

III. Course preparation:
- the Driver of the car of categories "V","S","D","S"
- the Operator of the COMPUTER
- the seller of articles of food