We offer our service of pollination of entomophile plants by bee-garden consisting of 700 bee-families of Ukrainian steppe and Carpathian breed which will do it qualitatively, in time and in full.
We pack honey in packages of different volumes: from 30gr to 14kg, appropriate for foodstuffs. Honey which is to be packed is gathered in the central and southern parts of Ukraine: it's "Steppe honey" and "Meadow honey". These kinds combine aroma and taste of numerous melliferous plants of steppe and forest-steppe (white acacia, esparcet, white and yellow sweet clover, blueweed, dandelion, marjoram, deadnettle, sunflower and many others). Great expanses of buckwheat and sunflower allow to receive monophlore honey: "Buckwheat" and "Sunflower".
We implement honey stocking up and it's primary working for export outside Ukraine. Our production capacity allows to work over and export to 200,0 metric tons per month.
Comb-honey - a unique natural product, received by the technology that excludes negative human influence on the quality of honey while its production. Such honey can be produced in two variants: in standard frame of 435x145 mm in size and in section of 100x100 mm/ The volumes of such kind of honey production is 10-15 metric tons per season. Honey in exclusive packs is original(drums from oak, ash-tree, lime and also "Beehive from beergarden".
We offer cooperation in the sphere of bee-keeping, pollination of entomophile plants, honey production (including comb-honey), packing honey in packages appropriate for foodstuffs, exporting honey outside Ukraine.