Ekolan, Corporation

  • Address:
    45b, V.Chornovola ave., c. Lviv, 79058, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(032) 240-75-91, 240-75-97, 240-76-19
  • Web-site:
The scope of activity:
- production and realization bakeries and confectioneries
- animate fish growing
- shops net
- polyethylene package industry
- non-permanent crochery industry
- packaging and realization goods of grocery group
- bread staffs industry

Corporation staff is:
- OAO " Lvovskiy hlebzavod №1 "
- OAO " Lvovskiy hlebokombinat "
- Lvovskiy oblrubkombinat
- OOO " Yavir-pak "
- OOO " Vikont II "