Consisting of Priazovkurort is:
- sanatorium "Berdiansk" and "Lazurnyi" are situated on the state significance resort Berdiansk,
- sanatorium "Velikii Lug" - is situated in Velikolug region of Zaporizhian town on the banch of the river Dnepr (200 kl to Berdiansk),
- sanatorium "Kirilovka" - is situated in Akimov area of Zaporizhian region, on the shore of the Azov sea (180 kl to Berdiansk),
Medical indications:
- diseases of musculoskeletal apparatus system;
- diseases of nervous system;
- diseases of digestive apparatus;
- diseases of genitals sphere;
- diseases of upper air passages;
- diseases of skin;
- dysbolism and diseases of endocrine system;
- diseases of circulation organs