Stolitsa-Center, Company

  • Address:
    office 615, 11, M. Raskovoy str., c. Kyiv, 01000, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(044) 239-20-85
  • Web-site:   
- Mitsubishi и Iiyama, SONY monitors
- Apple Macintosh computers
- AGFA and ECRM phototypesetting automatic machines and X-Rite, GretagMacbeth measuring equipment
- GCC, QMS-Minolta и Xerox-Tektronix printers
- wide spectrum of periphery for Apple Power Macintosh automated work places
The company offers input devices, which are represented by Microtek, UMAX,QMS-Minolta, Nikon, Imacon scaners and Nikon, Olympus, SONY, Minolta, Canon digital cameras.