Vremya & co, company

  • Address:
    9, Spaska str., c. Novomoskovsk, Dnipropetrovsk reg., 51205, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(056) 785-56-46, (05693) 5-88-85
  • Web-site:
Director - Denys Kavunov

The company “Vremya & co” was founded in 1992. Since its foundation the company has become the largest supplier of high-quality spices, food additives, and also complex and functional blends on the Russian market.

Nowadays the company has offices in the biggest cities of Russia: Moscow and St. Petersburg, and also a number of official partners in different regions of the country.

We are glad to offer to our partners and clients the best spices from all over the world both whole and ground of different grades. Our company pays special attention to the quality of grinding of spices; we offer ground spices from high-quality products without any admixtures.
Recently we have begun to work with CO2 extracts of natural spices, which due to its unique functional-technological characteristics immediately met demand on the market.
There is big variety of complex and functional blends for food production in the assortment of our company:
- Vremya Complex
- Vremya GOST
- Vremya Decor
- Vremya MIX

The specialists of the company improve and elaborate new products on their research/experimental production unit. “Vremya & co” pays special attention to the quality of its products. All stages of the manufacture from the quality of input raw materials till the output of final products are under strict control that allows to provide clients with inexpensive high-quality blends.