Astra Light is the post cards plesant to receive. Astra Light was found as post card publishing house under astracard, TM in 2000.
Today You can buy ASTRA LIGHT post cards both in Ukraine and Germany, Poland, Roumania, Russia, Moldova. The idea of post card publishing house organization appeared as a result of post card supply sad state in domestic market save single cases of foreign postcards.ASTRA LIGHT phylosophy is the attitude to a post card as to a work of art. It means a post card has to be created according to the highest standards and have worthy art and idea resolution. Every time we start our work with responsibility as we realize a post card is a mediator in human feelings and relationships. Everyone who gives a post card wants to express his feelings and best wishes to his folks, relatives, friends and sweethearts! Company mission is to carry a positive sparkle which is to make human relationships lighter and many-sided. We do our best for people to become more kind, more attentive and closer to each other owing to our cards!Cards by Astracards, TM are always nice to get as a present, as they are attractive, its subject is interesting, its designs are various, magnetic and modern. ASTRA LIGHT post cards meet the world requirements and are designed by our creative group only. We pay a special attention to design and polygraphy quality. Our cards are printing on the best printing-house in Kyiv, saving technological and sanitary code. Astracards sale system is to provide maximum comfort for customers. That's why our cards are in the best shops and supermarkets.The availability of cards in the shops proves its quality and popularity, because these goods can be on sale only after delivery department intensive selection. Corporative cards.
One more kind of our service is Your individual card professional design. Many companies made certain of their order arrangement in ASTRALIGHT gives a lot of advantages. We apply the latest achievements in card industry, understanding the card is more than a poligraphy, and our creative solutions responds to the customers most severe requirements.We appreciate our customers for acknowledgement.
Company's professionalism allowed ASTRA LIGHT to take reliable stand in the market. Our work effective results reflected in "VIshcha proba" awarded for the quality and competitiveness of the products.