Salt Symphony, Health Center Ltd

  • Address:
    7, Mayakovskogo str., c. Soledar, Artemivsk distr., Donetsk reg., 84545, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(066) 564-56-36, (068) 397-05-62
  • Web-site:   
Director - Serhiy Ye. Gulko

Using of natural factors for diseases treatment is known by humanity since ancient times. World medicine uses wonderful effect of salt mines long ago. Now there is only one problem – a few places on the earth, where all medical factors as in Soledar (Artemovsk District, Donetsk Region) coincide so ideally.
Unique reign of Health Center «Salt Symphony» has been opened in the eve of celebration of 75th anniversary of Donetsk Region.
Here one can pass full course of treatment, rehabilitation and prophylaxis suffering bronchopulmonary diseases (beginning from full asthmatic «bouquet» to chronic fatigue syndrome).
The method of treatment in the health center was approved by Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Experience helps also (once the special salt hospital for children functioned in Soledar).
Today the parents with sick children use medical gift of salt bowels of the earth. Among patients there are many foreigners: from Russia, Byelorussia and Moldova.
Treatment in salt mines is carried out on the depth of 288 m in the layer of salt bed of the Artemovsk salt deposit. This salt deposit has been developing from 1871. Geological age of the deposit is 230 mln. years, and by chemical composition this salt does not have analogues in the world, because it consists on 99% from NaCI and only 1-1,5% of admixtures which do not contain harmful substances. Air in salt mining is saturated with particles of salt which size is one-five microns. Concentration of micro particles in one cube meter is to fifteen milligrams. Air pressure in mountain mining is 772 millimetres of mercury, humidity of air – 60% and temperature – 14-16 0C – all of it wonderfully influences on human feel.
One can take different procedures in niches-units and enjoy deep quiet receiving space rest of ancient salt bowels of the earth.
At the surface it is sanatorium with usual buildings and modern equipment. There is spacious dining-room and comfortable units with TV set, playing rooms for children and beautifully well-organized territory with lawns and flowerbeds. Now amount of beds in the sanatorium is 110, but it will be extended further. New buildings for treating patients with thyroid function abnormality will be constructed. The correctly found individual method of treatment in conditions of the health center gives special effect.
Patients are children from six years old and adults – to 60. Among adults the recovery index is very high (70-85%). For each patient the specialists of the health center develop special individual program lasting 80-220 hours. 7 000 patients have already tested medical properties of unique microclimate of salt mines.
Main task for specialists of the Health Center «Salt Symphony» is to depart from medicinal treatment. Except for bronchopulmonary diseases, the patients improve immunity, treat chronic fatigue syndrome, heal burns and even become younger. Nature treats, and as known it is fair and strongest doctor. Medical conditions for patients in the Health Center «Salt Symphony» are follows as bronchial asthma; obstructive bronchitis; smokers cough; food and medicinal allergy; allergic dermatitis; thyroid atrophy; subclinical hypothyroidism; lymphocytic thyroadenitis; asthmatic bronchitis; chronic pneumonia; allergic rhitinitis (rhinosinusopathy); long children's diseases (weakened immunity); physical and psychological defatigation; thyroid hyperplasia; hypothyroidism; non-toxic goitre; thyroadenitis.
Under the ground there is absolutely other world, pure and sincere. Exactly sincere, because the crystals of salt sparkle and charge with mighty force. And it is easy to breath. When you get in big hall, where nine-storeyed building can be placed, as though you lost in space. It is a hall, where a symphony sounds.
Health Center «Salt Symphony» invites all in fairy-tale reign of crystals, invites to come in its pure world and feel particle of this world. The salt mine where wonders of healing are held, presents health, lost hope, faith and joy of life.
The sanatorium works for people and for the sake of people that their hopes will be realised and eyes of people tired from endless diseases and expectations will shine with happiness and gladness.

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