Patent-service agency of a patent attorney

“Patent-service” agency of a patent attorney of Ukraine is one of the first private patent agencies in Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the CIS to provide a full range of services on registration, commercial realization’s legal promotion and protection of the intellectual property rights.

The agency was registered in December 1990 and has a long-term experience of work in Ukraine and the CIS. The agency’s highly skilled specialists have degrees in law, economics, technics and patent law. They also have a great working experience in this field.

The founder and the head of our agency, Emmanuel Gaisinsky, a patent attorney of Ukraine (number 111 in the law attorney public register of Ukraine), has a degree in law, technics and patent law, and a forty years’ working experience in the field of copyright and patent law.

The firm has modern office equipment, means of communication and all the necessary normative documents and materials needed for provision of high quality services.

The agency has access to the specialized databases of intellectual property objects in Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and other CIS countries, as well as the USA, many European countries and international organizations, which allows making the search in shorter time and reducing the client’s expenses on foreign patent agencies’ services.

It should be separately noted that the agency uses the online application filing system developed by the Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property (Ukrpatent), which provides for the faster (within several hours) application date (priority date) ascertainment and cuts down on the application expertise time.

Throughout the years, we have registered over 1500 inventions, useful models and industrial designs, trademarks, firm-names, computer programs, works of music, literature and other kinds, owned by entrepreneurs and enterprises with different forms of property. The agency has a great experience of registration of objects belonging to different production branches: machinery construction, oil-production chemistry, medicine, light and food industry, shipbuilding, radio electronics, construction, metallurgy, foundry etc.