"Han-Tengry" is a travel company registered in Nikolaev in 1995. License of State committee on tourism of Ukraine is АА №005072 from 13.04.01. The firm was created by the Nikolaev Club of the travelers, which works more than 30 years. The creators of the corporation and great part of the employees - are the people, for which tourism is not only profession, but also a hobby. Working on the market of tourist services more than 9 years, we have reached stable excellence service of clients. The company take active part in the international exhibitions (MITT, UITT and others).
The firm actively works not only with the corporate customers and organized groups, but also with personal clients. Main areas of our activity are:
- Children's rest in improving health labor camps and campings. Theme children's camps (for example: ecology, English language, "school of survival", etc.). We organize the tourist campaigns in Crimea, Kherson and Nikolaev for children's groups.
- The special attention is given for the development of the adventure tourism in Ukraine. In our programs there are hiking, speleo, rafting, horses and bicycles tours, flights on paraplanes and parachutes, hunting and fishing, exotic tours and much other.
- Rest for adult in sanatoriums, boarding houses rest and campings in Ukraine;
- Excursion service for the students and children's groups in Nikolaev and in Ukraine;
- Other tourism.