PROD-INVEST Limited Liability Company

  • Address:
    31 B, Murmanska Street, c. Kirovograd, 25000, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(0522) 27-45-63
  • Web-site:   
TThe Limited Liability Company "PROD-INVEST" is a large confectionery company located in the center of Ukraine, being among Ukraine's top cookie manufacturers.

PPROD-INVEST Company started its production activities in 1998 with the manufacture of sugar cookies, and achieved great progress and success in the manufacture of confectionery products. Since 2005, the company started manufacturing under its own brand name ZHORIK-OBZHORIK.

TToday, the product range features more than sixty products, including such groups as sugar and shortbread cookies, crackers, waffle rolls with different fillings, dragees, etc.