Drilling company Goryzonty LLC is a drilling company which operates truck-mounted drilling rigs IDECO SBS DIR-806 (Austria) and Massarenti MR 7000 (Italy), both with hook loading capacity of 160 tons. The drilling rigs are equipped with the mud cleaning system MiSWACO, 2 sets of certified BOP and power stations with different capacities from 30 to 360 kW.
The company has its cementing job division which provides services on the oil and gas wells cementing and cement storing. The company has also its construction and mounting division with special equipment which performs rig site preparation works. The drilling rig Massarenti MR 7000 is equipped with top drive.
“Drilling company Goryzonty” LLC has an experienced drilling crew (24 people), construction and mounting team (12 people), qualified drilling engineers, chemist engineer and electrical engineer. Specialists of the drilling crew have the experience in the drilling of oil and gas wells in Ukraine and beyond, namely in Russia, Turkmenistan, Yemen, Ethiopia etc. Thus, “Drilling company “Goryzonty” LLC can perform works on the construction of wells “turn key” at the depth of 3500 m.
On December 2013 Drilling Company “Goryzonyty” achieved quality management system certificate, which meet the standards ISO 9001.