Bortek, Limited liability Company

"Bortek" LLC was founded in 1994. After a period of searching its "place in the sun" two activities were selected: the development and production of electro-thermal equipment and equipment for water purification - water disinfection with sodium hypochlorite, softening, iron removal. Request customers have changed over time, so in order to survive, had to master release of new products, including equipment for painting products with polymer paints, wood-drying equipment and heat generators for wood waste. Currently, all of the selected destinations are alive, and "Price" of the enterprise - dozens of types of products.

The present time also contributes to the modernization of production, development of new products and improve their competitive performance. The company has made renewal of machinery equipment, especially purchased and launched the cutting machine for laser sheet metal, creates a line of paint products with polymeric powder coating, thus improving the manufactured products and create new patterns. As a result of the use of modern materials and original design solutions significantly reduce energy consumption of industrial furnaces.