Mak-Var Ecoproduct LLC

  • Address:
    61 Pyrogova str. , c. Vynnytsya, 21000, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(043) 255-23-30
  • Web-site:   
Our trade mark and logo will never be seen on foods that are not beneficial for health, do not have healthcare effect or preventive action! All the products from “Mak-Var EcoProduct” is exclusively of vegetative origin, do not contain any chemical additives, colorants, preservatives, and, surely, GMO. Customers should know: Products with our logo not only contain no harmful ingredients, preservatives, antibiotics and GMO, but WITHOUT DOUBT ARE VERY BENEFICIAL FOR YOUR HEALTH!

Our mission:

Production and distribution on the territory of Ukraine and abroad of only natural and beneficial foods for:
- Healthy lifestyle (Benefits for health);
- Recovery to health (Revitalization);
- Disease prevention (Desiase prevention);
- People with health issues (Help)

Our company produces food from 1999.Since then we underwent a lot of stages in our development. Apart from constant work on improvements in quality and range of our products, we are engaged in creation of absolutely new ones that are one-of-a-kinds!