Agrotechleasing, Leasing Company, Closed Joint-Stock Company
- Address:72 Chornomorskogo Kozatstva str., c. Odesa, 65003, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(0482) 20-26-25, 23-21-72, 23-24-61
General Director - Ihor A. Kryklyvy
Main products/services:
- financial leasing for the period of 4-10 years:
- agricultural machinery;
- industrial equipment
Additional products/services:
- rendering consulting and other services
Turnover (Main production/services)(thous. US$/year): 175, including domestic market - 175
Turnover (Additional production/services)(thous. US$/year): 10, including domestic market - 10
Fixed assets value (thous. US$): 1617
Contributed capital (thous. US$): 1562
Collective agricultural enterprises and agricultural firms - 90%, farms - 10%. The main sales channel is the company own trading network. In 1998 It is planned to develop a network of service centres in the regions of Ukraine. Seasonal demand in products of agricultural machine building.
Legal status: Collective
Form of ownership: Closed Joint-Stock Company
Code ZKPO: 25036105
Year of founded: 1997 .
Number of employees: 20, including manufacturing personnel - 9, engineering personnel - 5, non-manufacturing personnel - 3, managers - 3
"AGROTECHLEASING" Leasing Company has been established in September 1997 on the basis of "ODESSELMASH" Open Joint-Stock Company, the largest manufacturer of tillage equipment in Ukraine. It became experienced in leasing sales of agricultural machinery. Practical works on leasing of industrial and transport equipment have been carried out from December 1997. Transformation of the Closed Joint-Stock Company into Open Joint-Stock Company is expected.
Main products/services:
- financial leasing for the period of 4-10 years:
- agricultural machinery;
- industrial equipment
Additional products/services:
- rendering consulting and other services
Turnover (Main production/services)(thous. US$/year): 175, including domestic market - 175
Turnover (Additional production/services)(thous. US$/year): 10, including domestic market - 10
Fixed assets value (thous. US$): 1617
Contributed capital (thous. US$): 1562
Collective agricultural enterprises and agricultural firms - 90%, farms - 10%. The main sales channel is the company own trading network. In 1998 It is planned to develop a network of service centres in the regions of Ukraine. Seasonal demand in products of agricultural machine building.
Legal status: Collective
Form of ownership: Closed Joint-Stock Company
Code ZKPO: 25036105
Year of founded: 1997 .
Number of employees: 20, including manufacturing personnel - 9, engineering personnel - 5, non-manufacturing personnel - 3, managers - 3
"AGROTECHLEASING" Leasing Company has been established in September 1997 on the basis of "ODESSELMASH" Open Joint-Stock Company, the largest manufacturer of tillage equipment in Ukraine. It became experienced in leasing sales of agricultural machinery. Practical works on leasing of industrial and transport equipment have been carried out from December 1997. Transformation of the Closed Joint-Stock Company into Open Joint-Stock Company is expected.
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