Training of personnel including the highly-qualified personnel for:
- scientific research;
- designing and engineering works in the following branches:
- mining,
- minerals extraction,
- mineral resources processing,
- ecology,
- nature management,
- energy saving,
- resource-saving.
List of the specialities:
- Business Economy;
- Economic Cybernetics;
- Finance;
- Management of Foreign Economic;
- Management of Organization;
- Jurisprudence;
- Geology;
- Hydrogeology;
- Ecology and Environmental Protection;
- System Analysis and Control;
- Information Control Systems and Technologies;
- Computer-based Environmental and Economic Monitoring;
- Software of Automated Systems;
- Mining Equipment;
- Engineering Technology;
- Drilling;
- Concentration of Minerals;
- Mine Survey;
- Development of Mineral Deposits;
- Mining and Underground Construction;
- Electrical Engineering Systems of Power Consumption;
- Automatic Control and Systems;
- Electromechanical systems of Automatiom and Electric Drive;
- Automated Management of Engineering Processes;
- Information Security;
- Power Generation and Supply Management.