Crimean Soda Plant, Public Joint-Stock Company

  • Address:
    1 Proektna str., c. Krasnoperekopsk, Autonomous Republic of Crimea , 96002, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(06565) 2-80-10, 2-80-89
  • Web-site:   
The Crimean soda plant is one of the most significant of three Soda plants in the Ukraine. It is located in the east of the Crimean peninsula in the town of Krasnoperekopsk. The Crimean plant started its Soda H production in 1975.The plant also produces besides Soda H calcined (light and dense) construction lime, consumer goods: cleaning agents, detergents, technical sodium salt. Soda H calcined capacities amounts up to 698000 t annually. Soda H production is realised by ammonia technology.

For Soda H manufacturing process are being used:
- Natrium chlorine being used after vaporization of Sivash Lake brine;
- Limestone being transported from Balaclava and Donbass;
- ammoniac water from Ukrainian chemical enterprises;
- coke from coke chemical works of the Ukraine.

As a result of some effective measures beginning from 1997 the enterprise managed to cut internal production costs, raw materials subsidiary resources and energy consumption, stabilize tecnological Soda H production process, to improve Soda H Brand «A» quality (dense) as well, the measures permitted to produce product being in keping with world quality requirements as to granulometry, chlorine content which resulted in Soda H export shipment.

Soda H calcined at the Open JSC is packed into paper multi-ply bags, soft big-bags, cartons, transportation is effected by rail and road transport, shipment as well.
Electric power supply is effected from electric network system «Krimenergo», natural gas supply from system network « Krimgas» and «Chernomoroilgas», water supply from the North-Crimean canal’s water way.

Joint Stock Company «The Crimean Soda Plant» owns more than 2000 square kilometres of the Sivash lake extraction area. In the world exist only three unique in their extension analogues hydromineral raw sources: The Great Salt Lake in the USA, the Dead Sea in the Near East and Kara Bogas Gol on the Caspian.

The Sivash salt deposits are being restored due to permanent the Azov Sea flows.

The Sivash brine contains high concentration of microwater plant «Dunalliella Solina» with spectrum of carotenoids, trans - ? carotene of which being the most important one.

The enterprise is being studied the development prospects of recycling manufacturing processes.

They have been researched the Na Sulphate production opportunities being a very important product for detergents production and also have been worked out the technological-economic necessity and advisability of Na Sodium Bicarbonate, Soda Caustic, Liquid glass, Sodium Percorbonate and other products being manufactured on Soda H calcined basis.

The production wastes can be regarded as basis raw material in some new branches of technological production. So wastes of the Sivash salt solution’s purification initial phase can be used as basis raw in magnesium production and other magnesium containing products. Brine from the second purification cycle can be used as the foddering additive for animals and poultry breeding, for chemically purified chalk, for carbonate filling products being widely used in the varnish-lacquer, rubber-technical, plastics and artificial leather production and as a soil deoxidizing agent.

For the power consumption reduction purpose has been started functioning of steam boiler to thermoelectric power station regime, that will result in product pricing reduction without any subsidiary fuel expenses.

The plant enjoys its close co-operation with the basic scientific-research institute of general chemistry (Kharkov), with firms and companies providing technological process programming and product quality improvement as well.

Serious attention is being paid to environment protection: it includes dust catcher units availability, cleaning of waste gas reaching the atmosphere, soil and air condition checking.

Joint Stock Company «The Crimean Soda Plant» is one of five Soda works in the CIS which uses accumulation evaporator without any water flows neither discharging them into sea, rivers nor underground areas. The enterprise owns a subsidiary farming attached to a factory. In the factory Lemon glass-house plantation possessing the area of two thousand square meters is gathered the Lemon harvest about 100 tons annually.

Joint Stock Company «The Crimean Soda Plant»possesses own factory trading network where customers service is being effected by plastic magnetic cards.

The medical-restoring enterprise complex renders the medical paid services including diagnostics, dental surgery, gynecologist consulting, laser magnetic therapeutics.

The plant owns professional volleyball team which had successfully left leagues the second and the first, then has been entered the League A, where it will contend for Super League participation.

At present the plant realizes fulfilment of progressive technological processes, being aimed at production quality improvement, cutting of production costs, manufacturing processes stabilization, consumable materials reduction and energy consumption as well.

The enterprise future means raising production competitiveness, further marketing areas expansion, independent electric power supply.

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