3-Studio, Television and Radio Broadcast Company
- Address:56 Sichovykh Striltsiv str., c. Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(0342) 55-21-21, (03422) 2-24-19, 2-33-76, 2-57-73
Director - Oleh Holoventsky
Editor-in-Chief - Nataliya Katerynchuk
Licence: ¹0218 of July 18, 1996, date fixed for activities July 18, 2001
POWER OF THE TRANSMITTER: 1 kW in Ivano-Frankivsk
100 W in Kolomyia
PERIOD OF TELECASTING: The studio is on the air since February 1, 1994. Its programmes are telecasted from 6.30 a.m. till 10.00 a.m. and from 6.00 p.m. till 1.00 p.m. on weekdays, from 8.00 a.m. till 0.30 p.m. on rest-days.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: The studio works in the television format S-VHS. In 2000 we are going to change to the standard DV CAM.
TERRITORY OF TELECASTING: the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, Tysmenitsya, Tlumach, Kalush, Bogorodchany, Halych, Kolomyia, Kosiv, Nadvirna and Sniatyn districts of the Ivano-Frankivsk region
AUDIENCE: 1 million people
- Making of our own video production;
- Production of advertising- and video clips, specifically,
- Production of clips-“review”,
- Production of fiction clips with elements of computer graphics,
- Commercials in advertising blocks,
- Commercials in programmes and films,
- Screen running line;
- Telecasting of original and licensed video products, films, entertaining and music programmes to everybody’s taste.
RATING: According to the sociological investigation having conducted in February-March 2000 by the Ukrainian-Canadian Business-Centre “3d STUDIO” has the highest rating (1380 respondents were polled):
- TV “Halychyna”-6,1%,
- “Channel-402”-13,9%,
- “3d STUDIO”-64%,
- “Elit-TV”-7,45%.
- 1998: The diploma of “Teleradiokuryer” (a magazine for professionals) for high activities at the Ukrainian TV-radio-market and the development of the national telecasting.
- 1999, Odessa: The diploma of the All-Ukraine contest of television and radio programmes of regional TV-radio-organisations “The United Ukraine” for the journalist’s work in the nomination “The interesting person” (television), 3 nominees.
- 1999, Kharkiv: The diploma of a laureate of the contest of regional electronic Mass Media of Ukraine “The Golden Wave-99” and the special prize from the company “SAGA-TV” for the information programme “News-Weekly”.
- 2000: The diploma of the International film festival of tourist films “The Wind of Travelling” for the best film in the nomination “Ukraine is a tourist country”. Our film “The Land of Cheremosh and Prut” has won in 4 nominations: for the best script, direction, sound-direction and cameraman’s work.
ADVERTISING AGENCY: We offer the wide variety of advertising services from usual textual advertisements to large advertising campaigns not only in the Ivano-Frankivsk region but in a number of western regions of Ukraine (Ternopil, Lviv, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Lutsk, Uzhgorod, Khmelnitsky, Vinnytsa, Zhytomyr).
Cast of services of the advertising agency:
- Production of an advertising clip-50-500 conditional units,
- Telecasting of an advertising production-20-100 US $,
- Production of an advertising videofilm-200-2000 US $.
COOPERATION WITH OTHER CHANNELS: The “News” department prepares subjects and reports for information programmes “Vikna”(STV), “News”(UT-1), “TSN”(1+1), “Reporter”(“The New Channel”), “VUT”(The Street TV) on a contractual basis.
We also cooperate with some producer centres. “1+1 Distribution”, “Biz TV”, “Katrin”, “Anata”, “Prime Time”, ”SAGA TV”, “Studio Plus”, “Amida” are among them.
- LOCAL “NEWS” - the latest events in the town and region. It is on the air 6 times a day.t
- INFORMATION-ANALYTICAL PROGRAMME “NEWS-WEEKLY”-an impartial assessment of facts, events, persons by journalists of the studio. The host of the programme and journalists try to analyse a week’s events and predict possible ways of their further development.
- “BUSINESS-PORTRAIT”-the programme about businessmen and firms which have achieved the success or have found their own way to it. The author tries to show how to succeed in life on concrete examples.
“PATTERNS OF FATE”-television portraits of outstanding and usual persons. The author of the programme gives a chance to know better those who live near us.
“BE HEALTHY”-there are useful pieces of doctors’ advice in this programme.
“THIS IS FOOTBALL”-football news of the land, Ukraine and world, interesting talks with footballers and coaches, experts' comments.
“THE AMUSING SOTKA”-this is jokes, prizes, amusing competitions. This is an excellent chance to have a jolly time.
“NEWS FROM THE SITES”-there are events, facts, interesting moments of the country life. The author talks to people about their life and problems, interesting and strange peculiarities of their life.
“THE PULSE”-this is the first Ukrainian project of open discussions about social problems. The programme is shot outdoors and everybody may come up and express his opinion on the topic discussed. This absolutely democratic programme has neither censorship nor prepared answers in advance.
“FOOTBALL EVENINGS”-this programme looks like “The Pulse” but has an entertaining not problematical character. They are meetings with footballers and coaches, contests and prizes.
Editor-in-Chief - Nataliya Katerynchuk
Licence: ¹0218 of July 18, 1996, date fixed for activities July 18, 2001
POWER OF THE TRANSMITTER: 1 kW in Ivano-Frankivsk
100 W in Kolomyia
PERIOD OF TELECASTING: The studio is on the air since February 1, 1994. Its programmes are telecasted from 6.30 a.m. till 10.00 a.m. and from 6.00 p.m. till 1.00 p.m. on weekdays, from 8.00 a.m. till 0.30 p.m. on rest-days.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: The studio works in the television format S-VHS. In 2000 we are going to change to the standard DV CAM.
TERRITORY OF TELECASTING: the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, Tysmenitsya, Tlumach, Kalush, Bogorodchany, Halych, Kolomyia, Kosiv, Nadvirna and Sniatyn districts of the Ivano-Frankivsk region
AUDIENCE: 1 million people
- Making of our own video production;
- Production of advertising- and video clips, specifically,
- Production of clips-“review”,
- Production of fiction clips with elements of computer graphics,
- Commercials in advertising blocks,
- Commercials in programmes and films,
- Screen running line;
- Telecasting of original and licensed video products, films, entertaining and music programmes to everybody’s taste.
RATING: According to the sociological investigation having conducted in February-March 2000 by the Ukrainian-Canadian Business-Centre “3d STUDIO” has the highest rating (1380 respondents were polled):
- TV “Halychyna”-6,1%,
- “Channel-402”-13,9%,
- “3d STUDIO”-64%,
- “Elit-TV”-7,45%.
- 1998: The diploma of “Teleradiokuryer” (a magazine for professionals) for high activities at the Ukrainian TV-radio-market and the development of the national telecasting.
- 1999, Odessa: The diploma of the All-Ukraine contest of television and radio programmes of regional TV-radio-organisations “The United Ukraine” for the journalist’s work in the nomination “The interesting person” (television), 3 nominees.
- 1999, Kharkiv: The diploma of a laureate of the contest of regional electronic Mass Media of Ukraine “The Golden Wave-99” and the special prize from the company “SAGA-TV” for the information programme “News-Weekly”.
- 2000: The diploma of the International film festival of tourist films “The Wind of Travelling” for the best film in the nomination “Ukraine is a tourist country”. Our film “The Land of Cheremosh and Prut” has won in 4 nominations: for the best script, direction, sound-direction and cameraman’s work.
ADVERTISING AGENCY: We offer the wide variety of advertising services from usual textual advertisements to large advertising campaigns not only in the Ivano-Frankivsk region but in a number of western regions of Ukraine (Ternopil, Lviv, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Lutsk, Uzhgorod, Khmelnitsky, Vinnytsa, Zhytomyr).
Cast of services of the advertising agency:
- Production of an advertising clip-50-500 conditional units,
- Telecasting of an advertising production-20-100 US $,
- Production of an advertising videofilm-200-2000 US $.
COOPERATION WITH OTHER CHANNELS: The “News” department prepares subjects and reports for information programmes “Vikna”(STV), “News”(UT-1), “TSN”(1+1), “Reporter”(“The New Channel”), “VUT”(The Street TV) on a contractual basis.
We also cooperate with some producer centres. “1+1 Distribution”, “Biz TV”, “Katrin”, “Anata”, “Prime Time”, ”SAGA TV”, “Studio Plus”, “Amida” are among them.
- LOCAL “NEWS” - the latest events in the town and region. It is on the air 6 times a day.t
- INFORMATION-ANALYTICAL PROGRAMME “NEWS-WEEKLY”-an impartial assessment of facts, events, persons by journalists of the studio. The host of the programme and journalists try to analyse a week’s events and predict possible ways of their further development.
- “BUSINESS-PORTRAIT”-the programme about businessmen and firms which have achieved the success or have found their own way to it. The author tries to show how to succeed in life on concrete examples.
“PATTERNS OF FATE”-television portraits of outstanding and usual persons. The author of the programme gives a chance to know better those who live near us.
“BE HEALTHY”-there are useful pieces of doctors’ advice in this programme.
“THIS IS FOOTBALL”-football news of the land, Ukraine and world, interesting talks with footballers and coaches, experts' comments.
“THE AMUSING SOTKA”-this is jokes, prizes, amusing competitions. This is an excellent chance to have a jolly time.
“NEWS FROM THE SITES”-there are events, facts, interesting moments of the country life. The author talks to people about their life and problems, interesting and strange peculiarities of their life.
“THE PULSE”-this is the first Ukrainian project of open discussions about social problems. The programme is shot outdoors and everybody may come up and express his opinion on the topic discussed. This absolutely democratic programme has neither censorship nor prepared answers in advance.
“FOOTBALL EVENINGS”-this programme looks like “The Pulse” but has an entertaining not problematical character. They are meetings with footballers and coaches, contests and prizes.
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