Leasing Company Evro-Sivash, Closed Joint-Stock Company
- Address:1-A Heroyiv Perekopu str., c. Krasnoperekopsk, Autonomous Republic of Crimea , 96000, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(06565) 2-50-45
President: Svetlana Yu. Zagrebelnaya
CJSC “Leasing Company “Evro-Sivash” as the subject of North-Crimean Experimental Economic Zone (NCEEZ) “Sivash”, works within the framework of the investment project ¹ 209-p: "Technical re-equipment and modernization of industrial and agrarian complexes by introduction of leasing as a capital-saving method of financing the development of production". The project was ratified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on April 17, 1997.
Our company considers leasing as one of the most perspective investment form in the development of production, the alternative for expansive banking credits and direct purchasing by own enterprise’s funds, the instrument of the development of the economy in whole. Today about 30-40 % of the investments in the world is financed with the help of leasing. This financial instrument allows to reduce risks for all participants of the leasing deal. In Ukraine depreciation of fixed assets of many enterprises already has reached level of 80-90%. A real opportunity to modernize production, not distracting significant funds, is the purchase of fixed assets in leasing.
The purpose of “Leasing Company “Evro-Sivash” creation is the development and introduction of new investment technologies for technical re-equipment and modernization of the Ukrainian enterprises.
Carrying out the tasks, put in the project, “Leasing Company “Evro-Sivash” specializes on delivering foreign equipment, transport, etc. on the territory of Ukraine with the subsequent transfer to leasing to Ukrainian enterprises interested in re-equipment and modernization of their capital assets “LC “Evro-Sivash” is universalized leasing company. Company’s experts are ready to examine an opportunity of delivery of any import equipment (capital assets) according to the application of the client.
The main characteristic of the project NEEZ "Sivash" is that the zone’s territory hasn’t its own customs border. The customs border of Ukraine simultaneously is also customs border of a zone "Sivash". Thus, all equipment, which “Leasing Company “Evro-Sivash” delivers on territory of Ukraine, can be transferred to leasing to any Ukrainian enterprise in any point of the country.
Within the framework of our activity, the company carries out whole complex of measures that includes:
- Searching of the suppliers of foreign equipment under the application of the client. Preliminary exploration of client’s activity in the market, observance of all legal requirements and analysis of the necessary list of the documents.
- Attraction to cooperation of all investment structures interested in project. Proposition of advantageous schemes of crediting, both for banks, and for lessees
- Opening the Ukrainian market for foreign supplier with a guarantee of payment and safety of the equipment.
- Creating of schemes that reduce investment risks for all participants of the leasing deal.
- Rendering of a complete complex of services accompanying leasing deal, from tax planning consulting to legal preparation of the necessary documents
Today CJSC “Leasing Company "Evro-Sivash" cooperates with wide range of enterprise structures: lessees, manufacturers and dealers of the equipment, ukrainian and foreign banks, investment companies and funds, consulting and insurance companies. We will be also glad to start cooperation with some new partners both in Ukraine and foreign countries.
Our company is the constant participant of different leasing seminars and "round tables", prosecuted both in Kiev, and on all territory of Ukraine.
Today company offers leasing of following equipment and vehicles of foreign manufacturers that have their representatives and work on ukrainian market:
- Agricultural equipment: Horshi Mashinen, Zeppelin Baumashinen (Germany), Case Corporation (USA), Kverneland (Norway);
- Mechanical equipment: Protherm (Slovakia), Skoda (Czech republic);
- Food equipment, equipment on processing agricultural production and also its packing: Prokop (Czech republic), Skiold (Denmark), Ital Project (Italy);
- Vehicles (passenger buses, trucks): Volvo Truck Corporation, Scania (Sweden), DAF, MAN, ASKO (Slovakia), IVECO (Italy), SkodaExport (Czech republic);
- Equipment for gasoline stations: Vils, Benc (Czech republic), Barel (Finland);
- Woodworking equipment Marketles, Rojek (Czech republic);
- Refrigerating equipment: York-Ukraine (USA);
- Polygraphic equipment: Mack House.
CJSC “Leasing Company "Evro-Sivash" works on such schemes that are effective for all participants of leasing deal. All the equipment is offered to the Ukrainian enterprises on lucrative terms for the period of 3-5 years with advance payment approximately 30 % cost of the equipment. Client’s expenses for purchase of the equipment with the help of our financial leasing schemes are less, than purchase of the same equipment with the help of credit resources.
We also work out a question of guarantees for the foreign suppliers and investors. We have achieved the completely minimization of the financial risk in our activity. Now foreign supplier have a possibility to work with the Ukrainian enterprises on the conditions of commercial credit with a guarantee of fulfilling complete payment for the equipment. On the other hand, foreign investor has a guarantee that the funds invested by him in leasing project will returned.
Today company uses in its practice such schemes of risks reducing as:
the scheme of international pledge, guarantee of lessee for supplier, insurance scheme of reflexivity of financial funds to the foreign investor through the mechanism of property’s risks insurance.
We work and constantly we create new investment schemes, provide stable work of our partners and their financial prosperity.
We offer the Ukrainian enterprises the new investment technology which has united financial leasing, credit resources and unique preferential investment climate of North-Crimean Experimental Economic Zone "Sivash".
Representative office: 26 B, Yaroslaviv Val, office 8, Kyiv, 01034 Ukraine.
Tel:. (044) 4619233, fax: 4641097
E-mail: evro@sivash.kiev.ua
CJSC “Leasing Company “Evro-Sivash” as the subject of North-Crimean Experimental Economic Zone (NCEEZ) “Sivash”, works within the framework of the investment project ¹ 209-p: "Technical re-equipment and modernization of industrial and agrarian complexes by introduction of leasing as a capital-saving method of financing the development of production". The project was ratified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on April 17, 1997.
Our company considers leasing as one of the most perspective investment form in the development of production, the alternative for expansive banking credits and direct purchasing by own enterprise’s funds, the instrument of the development of the economy in whole. Today about 30-40 % of the investments in the world is financed with the help of leasing. This financial instrument allows to reduce risks for all participants of the leasing deal. In Ukraine depreciation of fixed assets of many enterprises already has reached level of 80-90%. A real opportunity to modernize production, not distracting significant funds, is the purchase of fixed assets in leasing.
The purpose of “Leasing Company “Evro-Sivash” creation is the development and introduction of new investment technologies for technical re-equipment and modernization of the Ukrainian enterprises.
Carrying out the tasks, put in the project, “Leasing Company “Evro-Sivash” specializes on delivering foreign equipment, transport, etc. on the territory of Ukraine with the subsequent transfer to leasing to Ukrainian enterprises interested in re-equipment and modernization of their capital assets “LC “Evro-Sivash” is universalized leasing company. Company’s experts are ready to examine an opportunity of delivery of any import equipment (capital assets) according to the application of the client.
The main characteristic of the project NEEZ "Sivash" is that the zone’s territory hasn’t its own customs border. The customs border of Ukraine simultaneously is also customs border of a zone "Sivash". Thus, all equipment, which “Leasing Company “Evro-Sivash” delivers on territory of Ukraine, can be transferred to leasing to any Ukrainian enterprise in any point of the country.
Within the framework of our activity, the company carries out whole complex of measures that includes:
- Searching of the suppliers of foreign equipment under the application of the client. Preliminary exploration of client’s activity in the market, observance of all legal requirements and analysis of the necessary list of the documents.
- Attraction to cooperation of all investment structures interested in project. Proposition of advantageous schemes of crediting, both for banks, and for lessees
- Opening the Ukrainian market for foreign supplier with a guarantee of payment and safety of the equipment.
- Creating of schemes that reduce investment risks for all participants of the leasing deal.
- Rendering of a complete complex of services accompanying leasing deal, from tax planning consulting to legal preparation of the necessary documents
Today CJSC “Leasing Company "Evro-Sivash" cooperates with wide range of enterprise structures: lessees, manufacturers and dealers of the equipment, ukrainian and foreign banks, investment companies and funds, consulting and insurance companies. We will be also glad to start cooperation with some new partners both in Ukraine and foreign countries.
Our company is the constant participant of different leasing seminars and "round tables", prosecuted both in Kiev, and on all territory of Ukraine.
Today company offers leasing of following equipment and vehicles of foreign manufacturers that have their representatives and work on ukrainian market:
- Agricultural equipment: Horshi Mashinen, Zeppelin Baumashinen (Germany), Case Corporation (USA), Kverneland (Norway);
- Mechanical equipment: Protherm (Slovakia), Skoda (Czech republic);
- Food equipment, equipment on processing agricultural production and also its packing: Prokop (Czech republic), Skiold (Denmark), Ital Project (Italy);
- Vehicles (passenger buses, trucks): Volvo Truck Corporation, Scania (Sweden), DAF, MAN, ASKO (Slovakia), IVECO (Italy), SkodaExport (Czech republic);
- Equipment for gasoline stations: Vils, Benc (Czech republic), Barel (Finland);
- Woodworking equipment Marketles, Rojek (Czech republic);
- Refrigerating equipment: York-Ukraine (USA);
- Polygraphic equipment: Mack House.
CJSC “Leasing Company "Evro-Sivash" works on such schemes that are effective for all participants of leasing deal. All the equipment is offered to the Ukrainian enterprises on lucrative terms for the period of 3-5 years with advance payment approximately 30 % cost of the equipment. Client’s expenses for purchase of the equipment with the help of our financial leasing schemes are less, than purchase of the same equipment with the help of credit resources.
We also work out a question of guarantees for the foreign suppliers and investors. We have achieved the completely minimization of the financial risk in our activity. Now foreign supplier have a possibility to work with the Ukrainian enterprises on the conditions of commercial credit with a guarantee of fulfilling complete payment for the equipment. On the other hand, foreign investor has a guarantee that the funds invested by him in leasing project will returned.
Today company uses in its practice such schemes of risks reducing as:
the scheme of international pledge, guarantee of lessee for supplier, insurance scheme of reflexivity of financial funds to the foreign investor through the mechanism of property’s risks insurance.
We work and constantly we create new investment schemes, provide stable work of our partners and their financial prosperity.
We offer the Ukrainian enterprises the new investment technology which has united financial leasing, credit resources and unique preferential investment climate of North-Crimean Experimental Economic Zone "Sivash".
Representative office: 26 B, Yaroslaviv Val, office 8, Kyiv, 01034 Ukraine.
Tel:. (044) 4619233, fax: 4641097
E-mail: evro@sivash.kiev.ua
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