Ukrainian zonal scientific and research design institute of civil engineering in Kyiv is the biggest one in Ukraine, which in complex fulfills the whole cycle of works - from laboratory investigations to the output of project documents on the modern level with the adoption of the latest achievements in architecture, designing and architecture-building cybernetics.
Multiprofile character of the spesializa-tion allowed the Institute to design any civil structures: from a cottage to the immense polyfunctional complex, from a farmstead to the large city, in the most diverse natural and climatic conditions.
Main directions of the Institute activities are:
- typical, individual and experimental designing of residential and public buildings;
- sociological and economic problems of the civil housing development;
- architecture, typology and interiors of residential and public buildings;
- structures of buildings, methods of their calculation, testing and protection;
- automation of design works on the basis of computers' usage;
- systems of engineering equipment of building.
These main directions of the Institute activities are supplemented with works in the sphere of the architectural design, production of decorative articles, made of cloth, metal or ceramics.
KyivZNDIEP is the leading organization in the sphere of building under complicated engineering and geological conditions (seis-mics, territories under mining, loess grounds etc).
At the scietific-research engineering centre of the Institute large-scale tests of building constractions are conducting in laboratories, accredited to the UkrSEPRO system, both for the purpose of the products' certification and for the elaboration of proposals and technical decisions for their implementation.
In the sphere of engineering equipment perfection, it's necessary to point out the Institute's elaborations in buildings' heat efficiency, automation of heat-supplying systems and especially solar energy usage for heat - and cool supply.
The Ukrainian Centre of Energy Saving is attached now to the Institute. It coordinates works of institutions and organizations in the sphere of energy-saving techniques and technologies, fulfills the expert examination of works and spreads the advanced foreign experience, organized co-operation and renders the methodic assistance.
Body on Certification of Building Products "CentrSEPROtsyvilbud" is established at KyivZNDIEP; it fulfills the following functions:
- elaborates methodic and guiding documents;
- takes applications for certification and prepares decisions on them;
- co-operates with bodies on certification of the quality system, accredited testing laboratories, bodies of Ukrainian State Standarts;
- issues certificates of conformity and production certificates;
- prepares decisions for the acceptance of foreign certificates;
- realizes the technical supervision over the manufacture and testing of certified products;
- conducts the expert examination of normative documents, checks claims and reclamations on certified products etc.
KyivZNDIEP - is the only design institute in Ukraine, where the complex architectural-decorative design of interiors of flats, hotels, cinemas, hospitals, banks, offices, etc., is elaborating. The rich experience of work and irreproachable aesthetic test of our artists are the pledge of the creation of interiors, - unique by their destination and artistic decision. Main directions of these activities - architectural-artistic ceramics and decorative textile. In our ceramic shop you may order ceramic emblems of any size, souvenir plaquettes, decorative plates, ornamental flower pots, large-scale panneau etc.
Parallel with mass types of residential and public buildings, - which by KyivZNDIEP projects in Ukraine make up more then 60%, - there were elaborated unique structures: hotels "Kyiv" and "Rus" in Kyiv, "Gradetzka" in Chernigiv, complexes of higher educational institutions in Kyiv, Lvov, Kishinev, centres of consummer service and markets with guyed coverings, sport structures and school complexes.
Especially, it's necessary to mention KyivZNDIEP participation in the building of cities in Crimea, Central Asia and Trans-Caucasus: Yalta, Tashkent, Baku, Makhach-Kala and Armenian cities. National architectural peculiarities and natural conditions of building regions were taken into account in these projects.
One of the most important work of KyivZNDIEP - is its participation in planing the city for power specialists of Chornobvl APS.
Through the post - graduate course of the Institute training of specialists of higher qualification (candidates of science) is conducting according to specialities:
- "Architecture of buildings and structures".
- "Systems of design automation".
- "Heat supply,ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, acoustics and illuminating technique".
- "Building materials and articles".
- "Economics, planning and organization of building management".
Annually KyivZNDIEP issues two collections of scientific works - "Architecture of residential and public buildings" and "Constructions of residential and public buildings".
KyivZNDIEP invites to mutually beneficial cooperation.