Lutsk Repair and Transportation Company

  • Address:
    3 Horokhivska str., vil. Hirka Polonka, Lutsk distr., Volyn reg., 45607, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(0332) 26-07-70, 26-44-40
Main products/services:
Overhaul and current repair of T-70C tractors, units and assemblies for them. Manufacture of pre-sowing soil processing complex units, re-equipment of automobiles with diesel engines, manufacture of KSTG-16 household boilers, transportation services, repair and technical services, livestock farms equipment and works on settlements gasification.

Additional products/services:
Manufacturing 400x200x200 mm. construction slag blocks. Wholesale trade in spare parts and repair materials.

Turnover (Main production/services)(thous. US$/year): 1000, including domestic market - 1000
Fixed assets value (thous. US$): 3470
Contributed capital (thous. US$): 2700

The company’s profit for 1997 was $ 183,000. Production profitability - 33.5%. Lutsk RTP has $ 560,000 circulating assets. As of 01.01.1998 the company had no outstanding credit debts.

Legal status: Municipal
Form of ownership: State-owned company
Privatization stage: Not privatised
Share of state ownership(%): 100
Code ZKPO: 03569189
Year of foundation: 1944

Number of employees: 206, including manufacturing personnel - 190, engineering personnel - 13, non-manufacturing personnel - 2, managers - 1
