"Proton" is the principal manufacturer and developer of modern complex radio - receivers, navigation and analyzing equipment, radio control equipment, specialized radio communication and radio monitoring equipment in Ukraine and one of the basic manufacturers of such equipment in the CIS. It was founded in 1927 as the first Ukrainian radio-making factory.
The factory specialists have extensive experience in the field of development, production and maintenance of the above - indicated equipment.
The production at the "Proton" enterprise is based on using modern, advanced technology, ensuring high stability of the manufacturing process and is characterized by a high level of inter-design unification (up to 80%) and efficient use of the parts manufactured in Ukraine.
The company's production facilities make it possible to operate on a closed loop production basis, starting from the manufacture of blanks and finishing with the assembly and adjustment of ready-made products. The factory has the necessary equipment for manufacturing metal, plastic and rubber parts and printed circuit boards.
"Proton" intends to renovate the range of manufactured products.
Professional radio - receiving devices.
«P-399A» is a trunk professional radio receiver designed to receive TLG and one-band transmissions. Frequency range is from 1 to 32 MHz, sensitivity - 0.6 MkV, weight - 65 kg, dimensions are 516x277x455. Power supply is 220 V or 27 V (depending on the modification type).
«Proton-2» is a radio receiver for security services and guards featuring the frequency range of 30 to 1000 MHz and weighing 30 Kg. Dimensions are 380x215x500.
«P-309A» is a professional trunk radio receiver featuring the frequency range of 1 to 32 MHz and elevated sensitivity, microprocessor control and automatic reception control. Weight is 35 Kg and dimensions are 480x290x440.
«Proton-Y» is a professional trunk radio receiver featuring the frequency range of 1 to 32 MHz and elevated sensitivity, microprocessor control and the reception automatic control. It has a built-in automatic demodulator for main modes of transmission. Weight is 20 Kg, dimensions are 400x250x400.
Communication and Bearing Appliances.
«Rybka - M» is a radio direction finder used in vessels of the fishing and marine fleets with a oral bearing indication. Calculation error is 0.5°. Frequency is 0.225+3.350 MHz. Weight is 84 Kg, including a frame aerial and a transducer
«P-378 APOA» is a stationary complex intended for search, analysis and direction finding of the radio frequency radiation sources. Frequency range is 1 to 30 MHz. Bearing accuracy is 4°. Computer-operated. Memory. Automatic test. Weight is 434 Kg.
«P-399T» is a panoramic analyzing device. It is designed for visual and auditory definition of the radio-transmission spectrum. The display photo is from the indicator screen. It works with a radio receiver «P-399A»; «P-309A» and the others. Weight is 40 Kg.
«Vakhta M - 14» is a post of radio-electronic equipment. It is intended jointly with the AFC for reception and analysis of radio signals at low and intermission recording on the tape - recorder and the letter printing equipment. Frequencies are from 0.05 till 32 MHz. Sensitivity is 0.6 mkV.
«Oval - C» is a stationary post of radio engineering control. It assures a search, acquisition, direction finding of radio - frequency radiation (with AFC and microprocessor control). Frequency range is 25 - 100 MHz.
Aerial-fitted systems
The aerial - feeder system is «TY 150» (options are fitted on request). It is a complete set of stretched aerial for different frequency ranges. Ranges are from 1.5 till 12 MHz. Field sensitivity is 40 mkV/m.
AFC - «Kama 4» is a rod aerial. Frequency range is 1.5 - 30 MHz. Sensitivity is 15 mkV/m.