Integrated Engineering Company, Joint-Stock Company with Foreign Investments
- Address:67-А K. Marxa ave., c. Dnipropetrovsk, 49070, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(056) 370-98-76, 770-49-34, (0562) 36-10-83
General Director: Vladlen A. Huzhva
Main products/services:
- industrial and construction engineering;
- construction of industrial structures;
- participation in the programme of liquidation of nuclear weapons in Ukraine;
- organization of agricultural machinery service stations;
- active foreign economic activity in the sphere of industrial construction;
- application of advanced technologiesю
Pollution of environment with livestock and poultry refuses stumbles in utilisation of large scales of poultry and livestock wastes since ut is the accumulation of outflaw that makes farm complexes the sources of atmosphere, soil and water pollution in rural areas.
Possessing large experience in solving scientific-technical and engineering-construction tasks, specialists of "Integrated Engineering Company" have developed a number of units for processing liquefied manure by methane fermentation. Those plants have the same operation principle but are designed for various scales of manure (3-375 cubic metres per 24 hours).
In the process of liquefied manure processing (humidity in which exceeds 90-91%) there are 3 initial products received: dehumified slime, biogas, liquid drains. The dehumified slime has no scent of the source material, does not contain pathogenic microflora, weed germination is reduced to zero. In general dehumified slime is a highly-concentrated, deodorised organic fertiliser which can be directly put to soil. It is also used as a raw material for receiving biohumus.
Liquefied drains (fugat) - is a disinfected, deodorised fluid containing upto 1% of the suspended matter and contains fertilising elements. Fugat is a splendid organic additional fertilising for various agricultural plants which can be used both by sprinkling and irrigation. If completed with a unit for additional purification liquid drains can also be used as process water.
Methane-containing combustible biogas (methane content 70-75%) is used for production of heat and electric power. Combustion 1 cubic metre of the biogas yields 2.5-3 kW/hr of power and 4-5 kW of heat power, while 40-60% of biogas are used for engineering needs of the plant. After biogas compression to 200-220 atmospheres it can be used for motor-car filling.
Now specialists of "Integrated Engineering Company" have developed, produced and successfully tested a small-scale bioenergetic plant "Biogas-6MGS2", assigned for a private farm breeding 3-4 cows, 10-12 heads swines, 20-30 heads of poultry. Production capacity of the plant is around 11 cubic metres per 24 hours. This volume of gas covers needs in premises heating about 100 sq.m. and in hot water supply for the family of 5 persons.
The company has also developed a number of industrial plants for processing wastes of complexes for:
- 2500-5000 heads of swines;
- 2500-5000 heads of milch cows;
- 500 heads of sines and 130 heads of cows;
- 400 000 heads of poultry.
According to customer's request the company is ready develop the plants for required number of livestock heads.
Utilisation of "Biogas-6MGS2" and "Biogas34-701SM" enables to:
- considerably improve ecologic situation in the farm area;
- receive dehumified and disinfected fertilisers;
- receive purified drain decontaminated in sanitary and hydienic senses.
- reduce power-consumption for farm needs due to the received biogas;
- improve production culture and improve labour conditions;
- reduce risk of diseases for people and animals.
Main products/services:
- industrial and construction engineering;
- construction of industrial structures;
- participation in the programme of liquidation of nuclear weapons in Ukraine;
- organization of agricultural machinery service stations;
- active foreign economic activity in the sphere of industrial construction;
- application of advanced technologiesю
Pollution of environment with livestock and poultry refuses stumbles in utilisation of large scales of poultry and livestock wastes since ut is the accumulation of outflaw that makes farm complexes the sources of atmosphere, soil and water pollution in rural areas.
Possessing large experience in solving scientific-technical and engineering-construction tasks, specialists of "Integrated Engineering Company" have developed a number of units for processing liquefied manure by methane fermentation. Those plants have the same operation principle but are designed for various scales of manure (3-375 cubic metres per 24 hours).
In the process of liquefied manure processing (humidity in which exceeds 90-91%) there are 3 initial products received: dehumified slime, biogas, liquid drains. The dehumified slime has no scent of the source material, does not contain pathogenic microflora, weed germination is reduced to zero. In general dehumified slime is a highly-concentrated, deodorised organic fertiliser which can be directly put to soil. It is also used as a raw material for receiving biohumus.
Liquefied drains (fugat) - is a disinfected, deodorised fluid containing upto 1% of the suspended matter and contains fertilising elements. Fugat is a splendid organic additional fertilising for various agricultural plants which can be used both by sprinkling and irrigation. If completed with a unit for additional purification liquid drains can also be used as process water.
Methane-containing combustible biogas (methane content 70-75%) is used for production of heat and electric power. Combustion 1 cubic metre of the biogas yields 2.5-3 kW/hr of power and 4-5 kW of heat power, while 40-60% of biogas are used for engineering needs of the plant. After biogas compression to 200-220 atmospheres it can be used for motor-car filling.
Now specialists of "Integrated Engineering Company" have developed, produced and successfully tested a small-scale bioenergetic plant "Biogas-6MGS2", assigned for a private farm breeding 3-4 cows, 10-12 heads swines, 20-30 heads of poultry. Production capacity of the plant is around 11 cubic metres per 24 hours. This volume of gas covers needs in premises heating about 100 sq.m. and in hot water supply for the family of 5 persons.
The company has also developed a number of industrial plants for processing wastes of complexes for:
- 2500-5000 heads of swines;
- 2500-5000 heads of milch cows;
- 500 heads of sines and 130 heads of cows;
- 400 000 heads of poultry.
According to customer's request the company is ready develop the plants for required number of livestock heads.
Utilisation of "Biogas-6MGS2" and "Biogas34-701SM" enables to:
- considerably improve ecologic situation in the farm area;
- receive dehumified and disinfected fertilisers;
- receive purified drain decontaminated in sanitary and hydienic senses.
- reduce power-consumption for farm needs due to the received biogas;
- improve production culture and improve labour conditions;
- reduce risk of diseases for people and animals.
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Компания "АМАЛКЕР" на рынке 5 лет. За это время мы многого достигли, став одним из самых профессиональных коммуникативных агентств города.
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