Specifications of scientific activity
- study of the cellular-molecular development mechanisms of the hemopoietic system breaches and their correction;
- study to epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis of the hemopoietic and lymphatic system diseases and development of new methods of their diagnostics, treatments, physician-social rehabilitation on invalids;
- development of new principles and methods of transfusion therapy by different genesis diseases;
- development of the scientifically motivated the donation programs and organization of the blood service in the Ukraine;
- study of medical, social and ecological factors of influence for inhabitants donor potentialities;
- development of new technologies in order to receive medical and diagnostic preparations of high specific activity from donor blood safe for patients health;
- development of new cryopreservation of blood and hemopoietic tissues technologies;
- study of burn disease pathogenesis and its complications, working out of new treatment methods and socio-medical patients rehabilitation means.