Joint Ukrainian German Venture “Zhytomyr-PolySacks” was founded on April 25, 1995 by Zhytomyr Plant of Chemical Fiber as Ukrainian partner and firm “International PolySacks” as German partner.
During the period of five years of the firm’s existence in the modern market the stock-list of our production increased considerably. The enterprise has developed production of not only polypropylene bags, but polypropylene twine, flexible intermediate bulk containers Big Bags for packaging of dry materials, that are very popular in the modern market. We plan to produce four-loop containers with bottom unloading outlet and top loading inlet, and containers for food and aggressive liquids.
Polypropylene bags are used for packaging and transportation of sugar, flour, salt, starch, cement, mineral fertilizers and others kinds of production and correspond to Technical Specification Nr. 20428705-001-96. Polypropylene bags have carrying capacity 50 kg, size of the bag is agreed with the consumer. One-colour or two-colour print can be made at request of the consumer.
Big Bags are used for packaging and transportation of mineral fertilizers, cement etc., have carrying capacity 0,5 t; 1,0 t; 1,5 t. Flexible containers can be completed with polyethylene or polypropylene liners, if necessary, a band is sewn to the container. Liners are blown into the containers with the help of blowing equipment. Big Bags correspond to Technical Specification Nr. 20428705-005-98.
Polypropylene twine is used for packaging of hay, straw, for tying up vegetables, hop, vine, packaging of different production and other technical purposes. At the present moment we produce twine of the following range: 300, 400, 500, 800, 1000, tex range is 1000 to 3300. Spools of polypropylene twine are wrapped by the polyethylene film by the automatic wrapping machine. Weight of one spool is 4,5 – 5,5, kg. Polypropylene twine corresponds to Technical Specification Nr. 20428705-006-99.
In comparison with the previous years the output and sales have increased. We provide with our production not only foreign producers, but export it to the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, to the countries of West Europe, we have entered the world market. We want to add, that our production corresponds not only State standards of Ukraine, but also strict demands of quality and security of International standardization organization. In necessary to point put, that since 1998 our production is tested in Materials Testing Institute (Germany), called Labordata, every year. The production has necessary Ukrainian certificates of conformance and hygienic conclusion. At the beginning of the 2000 our production has successfully passed the tests according to the demands of Recommendations of U.N.O. on transportation of dangerous goods.