Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Ecological Problems (USRIEP) is the main scientific-research organisation working in the system of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine.
The main efforts of the institute are directed at provision of scientific fundamentals for elaboration of the state policy in environment protection, rational use of natural resources, and ecological safety. The institute is also acting as a curator of international obligations of Ukraine outlined in agreements, conventions, and accords with other countries.
The institute is situated in the city Kharkiv, one of the largest industrial, scientific, and cultural centres of Ukraine.
The institute possesses high scientific potential, modern equipment, and valuable experience in solution of environmental problems. We are ready for mutually profitable co-operation with Ukrainian and foreign partners.
I invite you to fruitful co-operation.
USRIEP was founded in 1971 under the name of the All Union Scientific Research Institute for Protection of Waters (VNIIVO). Since 1991 till 1997 the institute was named Ukrainian Scientific Centre for the Protection of Waters.
The institute employs over 400 highly qualified specialists, including 8 doctors of science and 60 Candidates of Sciences, post-graduate course in the following specialities: 21.06.01 - "Environmental Safety", 11.00.11 - "Constructive Geography and Reasonable Use of Natural Resources" is available. The specialised Scientific Council of the Institute has rights of confirment of scientific degrees of candidates and Doctor of Sciences of speciality 21.06.01 - "Environmental Safety".
International scientific cooperation, foreign partners:
- International Agency on Atomic Energy
- International Exploration-Research Center (Ottawa, Canada)
- Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Safety of Republic of Belarus;
- ERM company (Great Britain)
- Firm "Bierkhann&Nolte" (Germany)
- Center of Ecological Information "Eurasia"
Major areas of the Institute activities:
Elaboration of basic principles of the national environmental policy aimed at maintaining the ecological balance, provision for ecological and radiation safety, and improvement of environmental situation in Ukraine.
Development of legislative, normative, economic and administrative means for support of the environment protection activities.
Development of scientific basis for management and control of water resources quality in river basins.
Provision of scientific, methodological, metrological, instrumental, technical, programmed informative, legislative and co-ordinative support to ecological monitoring.
Development of ecological programs and statutory documents, integrated environment-protective measures, and methods for environmental impact assessment; development of scientific fundamentals of ecological expertise and ecological auditing.
Elaboration of systems and methods for industrial wastes control.
Analysis of the ambient air basin qualitative state and development of air protective measures.
Elaboration of ecologically friendly technologies.
Co-ordination of management of reserved areas and refuges and protection of biodiversity.
Provision of scientific and methodological support to state institutions dealing with problems of environment protection, ecological safety and use of natural resources.
International scientific co-operation, foreign partners:
Environmental Protection Agency (USA)
RIZA Institute and «Delft Hydraulics» (the Netherlands)
HALCROW Consulting Engineers (Great Britain)
Global Ecological Fund and UN program for the Black Sea basin protection
International projects financed by the World Bank and the International Development Research Centre (Canada)
Tacis Programme (EU)
Scientific research units of the institute are as follows:
- systems of Monitoring and information on Extreme Situations
- legislative and normative provision for Ecological Safety
- engineering ecology and evaluation of impacts on environment, and ecological auditing
- ecological Hydrogeology
- automated systems and information support for ecological management
- investigation of Economics
- surface Water Quality Formation
- municipal and industrial waste waters
- systems and means for management of industrial wastes and aerial effluents
- prognostication of water quality, water protective programs and investments
- biological investigation and biotesting
- hydrophysical processes of sea water quality formation and protective measures
- analyses of the ambient air basin and elaboration of air protection measures
- investigation of ecological stability of natural entities
- hydraulic and hydrological investigations
- environment protection at agricultural and fuel and power complexes
- ecologically safe water discharge from water engineering units, municipalities and industries
- problems of natural territories and objects under special protection
- radioecological safety and radiological monitoring
- ecological and analytical investigations
- water quality monitoring
- methods and means for environment protection
- aerospace investigations of natural environment quality