SE "Kharkov instrument-making plant named after T.G.Shevchenko" - modern multi profile structured enterprise which has high professional and technical potential and has almost all existing modern technological processes inhere in instrument-makingplant:
- foundry of ferrous, nonferrous metals and alloys.
- manufacturing of plastic products as using foundry method as fore-vacuum forming of thermoplastic materials.
- mechanic processing and metal stamping.
- protect-decorative coverings. Varnish-and-paint and chemical-galvanic.
- manufacturing of printed circuit boards.
- products assembling and mounting on basis of modern element base.
Accessories of automation for energy objects
Control systems for nuclear and heat power stations
SE "KhIP named after T.G.Shevchenko" more than 30 years realizes development, manufacture, complex supply, mounting and start-adjusting job of programmable logistic complexes (PLC) of automated control systems Of technological processes at nuclear and heat power stations.
These systems realizes the most important functions of management, control, diagnostics, representing information on the video monitors screens of autonomous work places and boards of block control panes with registration and information stamp about technological processes.
One of the priority branch of our enterprise is development of turbine regulating systems (TRS). The main task of TRS together with another sub-systems is regulating of frequency and power with high accuracy, with characteristics not worse than foreign.
Introducing turbine controlling and regulating systems allows greatly Increase the quality of generated electricity, improve diagnostics of main equipment of control room and as a result increase it's fail-safety.
Control and management systems supplied by our enterprise not worse than Foreign and their initial price less on 30-40%. Moreover, their exploitation, further Improve and modernization in 2-3 times cheaper than foreign.
As shows experience of exploitation these systems at power blocks of nuclear and heat power station greatly reduces idle time of equipment, increases quality of generated electricity as per international standard levels, improves stability
of power blocks operating. It is important for improving economic characteristics of operation as separate power stations as energy system, stabilized functioning country national economy.
Technical basis of PLC - technical accessories of automation TAA М2002 ТУ У33.3-14315500.028-2003.
Technical and programmable accessories of PLC provide possibility to develop open for modernization and improve ACSTP without necessity to change realized before technical tasks.
Hardware and software accessories of PLC has module structure and developed system software, which allow to use it in wide diapason from local control sub-systems up to full-scale automation energy objects.
In PLC provided technical decisions, which provide high self-life and reliable functioning of system in case of possible failure of technical accessories, personnel mistakes and unforeseen situations.
In PLC used unified technical accessories of limited nomenclature automation with life time, accounting repairing and restoring services, not less than 30 years.
Device of cathode protection
Device of cathode protection ИУКЗ-48-1.2 destined for effective Protection from electrochemical (soil) corrosion of underground metal constructions, pipe-lines, oil storages in conditions of corrosion soil influence under negative influence of roaming currents.
The device provides automatic support of protection device potential at given level in system of remote control from high level with power 1.2 kW, current 25 A and efficiency 90%
Intellectual electric drive
Intellectual electric drive ЭП-ПБ-01 developed for nuclear power stations, displaced in servicing zone outside of hermetic casing (groups "П") and destined for control pipe-line lock armature.
СМРЭС system
System СМРЭС destined for automatized monitoring of emergency modesof electricity supply air-lines with voltage 6-10kV and meteoconditions in placesof sensor displacing.
Data incoming from automatized system in real time mode used for:
- remote determining places of interphase closure and closure on ground;
- control of integrity or switching off of separate line sections;
- planning of preventive and repairing service, increasing of trouble traveling crew effectiveness;
- generation of warnings for personnel in extreme conditions of ice-covered sediments and control ice melting machines.
Micro hps
Micro hydro power station (Micro HPS) able to work as autonomous devices destined for permanent power supply of customers, as in parallel with another micro HPS for local or for industrial electric circuit. Automated control of micro and mini HPS realizes by controlling systems made by SE KhIP named after T.G.Shevchenko.
Original aggregate assembling, applying modern technologies, modern materials and design provides high consumer qualities and reliable operation of micro and mini HPS made by OJSC"Turboatom".
Photoelectric systems
SE KhIP named after T.G.Shevchenko produces photoelectric systems, which provides necessary parameters of uninterrupted supplying with possibility To use as direct as alternative current of different destination.
Photoelectric system of uninterrupted power supply
The system destined for whole-year autonomous energy supplying of objects, total consuming power of which during 24 hours not more
than 15 kW/24h
Tentative complex of high - temperature recycling (pyrolisis) of domestic and industrial wastes
Complex of equipment of high-temperature reduction of organic waste (pyrolisis) destined for domestic and industrial waste recycling into energetic gases, used for generating heat and liquid fuel.
Complex provides feeding, compaction, loading of milled organic raw stock and high-temperature organics reduction on synthesis gas.
Communication facilities
Our enterprise proposes wide gamut of equipment:
- digital automated phone stations;
- cross equipment, cabinets, cases, boxes;
- supplying systems;
- apparatuses of digital transmission systems;
- centers of control and diagnostic (ЦУД);
Transmission systems
The line of modems and regenerators of universal platform Flex Gain allows realize transmission as currents Е1 as Ethernet traffic on the distance up to 70 km by existing copper pairs in case of single-cable connection and up to 300 km in case of double-cable connection.
Products for transport:
- Lamp for buoy ЭСП 4 types destined for providing safe condition of ship navigation on rivers, lakes and water reservoir. Luminescent lamps ЛВВ destined for lighting compartments of urban passengertraffic (trams, trolleybuses, buses etc.).
- Illuminated information boards of 4 types are used at underground, railway, bus stations to provide information for passengers and otherIndustrial and public objects.
- Loud-speaker information system СИГ-М are used to supply withinformation passengers and machinist, made on base of digital speechsynthesizer, installs in underground trains.
- Loud-speaker communication device "Passenger-machinist"The device destined for realization loud-speaker communication between passenger and machinist in case of emergency Loud-speaker system of communication and notification СГСО of 3 types is used for realization loud-speaker communication and warning at diesel and electric trains.
- Intercommunication system "Диалог-КС" destined forcommunication in ticket offices between passengers and registerInter-car connectors of 4 types destined for connection communications between rolling-stock cars Charge devices УЗА of 2 types destined for providing power supply at railway crosses.
- Traffic light-emitting diode lights СДС more than 40 types destined for regulating traffic on roads